Are You Ready for Forced Medical Interventions?

Posted by 73SHARK 2 years ago to Politics
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Story at-a-glance

The World Health Organization has become extraordinarily conflicted, primarily through its funding, and by serving corporate masters, it fails miserably at promoting global health
The WHO will form the foundation for a one world government, under the auspice of coordinating and ensuring global biosecurity. This becomes evident when you review the proposed amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) and the WHO Pandemic Treaty
The proposed IHR amendments will erase the concepts of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms from the equation. The first principle in Article 3 of the 2005 IHR states that health regulations shall be implemented “with full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” The amendment strikes that sentence
Instead, international health regulations will be based on “principles of equity, inclusivity and coherence” only. This means they can force you to undergo whatever medical intervention they deem to be in the best interest of the collective
The IHR amendments grant dictatorial powers to the WHO director-general and unelected regional directors. The WHO’s “recommendations” will be legally binding by all member states, and will supersede all national and state laws, including the U.S. Constitution

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
    You don't have to tell me the dangers of colorectal screening. Had a good friend, lovely lady, state representative...they pierced her colon and killed her. In 1985 I had an Esophogeal Colorectal Screening. The doctor wanted to go play golf and he injected my vein with morphine. The nurse begged to put it in my drip and he was in a hurry. I visited him two days later and said, 'Thank the God you pray to you did this to me and not some other dumbass. I won't sue your sorry ass off for the damage to the vein in my arm but I'll take an antibiotic and don't even think of billing my insurance for the test, this visit, or the antibiotic. He followed my instructions to the letter. I still won't take a colonoscopy.For seven years doctors couldn't draw blood from that vein. It's okay now.
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