The Rest of the Story...

Posted by $ blarman 2 years ago to Government
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While this all sounds great, what they don't know is the other half of the story - the part in which the State already declined to fight a Federal ruling against the City of Boise (the capital of Idaho where the Legislature meets) which ruled that the City can't enforce a ban on homeless people in the streets. Brad Little (the governor) was Lieutenant Governor when that ruling came down and he and the prior Governor (C.L. "Butch" Otter) declined to appeal.

The other thing not mentioned in the article is the reason many of these people were camped out: to protest the Governor's decisions regarding COVID and his direct and overt attacks on a political opponent, Ammon Bundy. Little had directed that a breastfeeding infant be taken from its mother and father and put in the NICU for treatment - treatment which ultimately was unnecessary and completely failed. Many of the protesters camped out on the Statehouse lawn because it is directly between the aforementioned hospital and the Capitol building, allowing them easy access to both!

One should also keep in mind that these weren't homeless people and there were no massive trash piles, assaults, or even traffic obstruction - all of which would have been fined. These were citizens who were outraged that a sitting governor (who is a shill for the medical industrial complex) was persecuting a political opponent during the primary season.

Just as a note, but this same Governor distributed billions of dollars in Federal COVID aid to his buddies at IACI and is refusing to grant the legislature oversight or auditing regarding these funds. To give you an idea of the scope of this, Idaho's entire State budget is only a couple of billion dollars in the first place...

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years ago
    Well, if a homeless taxpayer has paid for public property, is it really wrong for him to make himself a little hut on some of hit and spend the night there?
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    • Posted by $ 2 years ago
      It's an interesting question that comes down to appropriate public use. When one sets up a dwelling of any kind, one is actually procluding the general public from also using it and thereby claiming ownership. If the use is temporary (overnight, etc.), one can probably accommodate the use - such as is made in many public parks and forests - with that use also entailing responsibilities for behavior, use, and cleanup. It is when that use becomes prolonged or violates reasonable use by others that you get a conflict.

      For example: sidewalks. Any reasonable person is going to say that those are for people to walk along - generally without significant impediment. Street vendors can fall afoul of the same proscriptions as the homeless regarding "reasonable use" depending on how the statutes are crafted. (This also happened in Downtown Boise. I lost my favorite hot dog vendor.)
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  • Posted by bradAnderson 2 years ago
    Fascinating and disgusting. Even our frontier states are showing the corruption that is all too prevalent within our overly populated states. Idaho is supposed to be one of the safe refuge's from this corruption. A place where people fight.

    They can pass all the legislation and measures they want, but the power of the people lies in your last sentence. The state does not have as many resources as it thinks. Enough people can gather together and overpower the media lies and corrupted judicial system with numbers alone. There are far more rational thinkers in this world than corrupt political pawns. The message just needs to get out.

    Keep fighting. Keep spreading truth. This is how our movement towards a brighter future starts.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago
    Another tyrant who retains power because of corruption, and the People just allow it to continue.
    The Government is corrupt. This includes the JustUS system that protects the corrupt.
    Even secession won't solve this, since the local scum in power must be removed first for individuals to regain their liberty.
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