Donald Trump Wages War on the Cartels

Posted by NealS 2 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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Donald Trump Wages War on the Cartels (or) Is this an early reelection champaign speech?

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 1 month ago
    +1👍🏻Thanks for posting Neal, Trump will never stop fighting to Save America.
    I will never give up and he will never give up.
    The System of systems in the US is going down, it will be on the Dems watch. Trump is showing what needs to be done. He is a brilliant communicator.
    As far as I’m concerned a lot of Quiters like to black pill the patriots. We are at war, so go cry somewhere else.
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years, 1 month ago
      At face value, using REASON, after 2+ years calling those, like me, who see through the charade a quitter is unjustified. I would LOVE to see something, ANYTHING, significant happening, but I do not. In fact I see only the noose of subservience tightening from every conceivable angle while our systems continue to erode with our society. Perhaps the 100's of thousand of illegals waltzing into Phoenix and living among us, taking our social services, while elections are blatantly stolen and the miscreants are permitting to ignore law, and the costs for everything we need to live has increased exponentially, has something to do with my thinking NO ONE IS DOING A DAMN THING but posturing to maintain their relevance in the performance.

      I haven't given up. I shrug in place. I prepare and arm myself to the best of my ability, all I can do without depending on anyone else. Rationally, the light at the end of the tunnel is more likely an oncoming train. I don't intend to be on the tracks waiting to run over and if I do get run over.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years, 1 month ago

    He can't do shit without authority. He can't get the authority without a legitimate vote. He can't get a legitimate vote without first arresting and hanging those who abuse the system and violate the public trust, let alone make a mockery of their oath of office.

    All bluster, as usual. He promises hope to keep those hoping docile and quiet while the master plan unfolds (in which he is an actor, not the director).

    Sorry it's tooooooooo loooooong to buy into the bullshit anymore.

    It's high time to SHOW US NOT TELL US.
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 1 month ago
      we know he was surrounded by traitors
      we know those leading the military betrayed him, us, their oaths

      having a rallying point has value

      but sometimes the quiet hunter does a better job...

      we'll see
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    • Posted by 2 years, 1 month ago
      Patience my friend, patience. That is what I am told when I feel as you stated. The left knows more than us just how dangerous he is and can be. It's so obvious by their continuous attacks on him and attacks on everything he made us aware of. They have to keep pressing the issue in order not to lose ground. If you can see it, all loss of ground is benefitting the right now, not the left. I'm a doer, patience is not one of my strongest virtues, but I'm learning. I've even stocked up on ammo, just in case. If the "investigations" done by the new Congress actually put someone in jail, it will help me see the light better. I still have my doubts but please do not forsake me for them. I'll do whatever in my power to help clean this government up. History will record this as the biggest event in the history of this nation if it goes all out. It will be a turning point, turning back to it's inception, what our forefathers intended.

      Look at what 20 people just did in Congress, I never thought that could happen, but that's another subject, I'm late for coffee.
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