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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
    What warped mind even thought of this? Genetically engineered babies? Give me a break. The idea is repelling. N
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    • Posted by $ 2 years ago
      Turning the very act of childbirth into a for profit enterprise. Imagine you need state permission to be a parent, you have to have permits on record for legitimacy, you required to take sanctioned tests and psychological profiling, and then three is a sticker price for junior, with $ for add on enhancements.

      All in the name of saving the planet
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
      repelling is what liberals do

      same type of people thought this up that want to have their names in the books for bringing back dinosaurs

      instead of them doing stuff that might benefit other people....
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years ago
      This write up makes it seem that way.
      But China has this technology (altering genes). IQ has been reduced to about 12 different genes, and muscle/strength...

      So, from a China Perspective, these are the perfect Super Intelligent Super Strong Soldiers. (Any Dr. Who fans thinking... Dalek's?)

      This is PROBABLY happening already in labs. They will experiment with these children, and give them to parents who cannot have children to raise, or CCP loyalists, or the government labs...

      My Theory... If it can be done, it WILL be done. That's how these Regimes operate.

      And, at some point, they will probably have an amazing Army. Groups of Scientists. Imagine being DESIGNED for High IQ and Spatial Reasoning, then being put through a (rather dehumanizing) life of developing those skills.

      The value of a dozen hackers like that, on a single team... WOW... We would likely be forced to disconnect the internet... If they did not have us completely mind-controlled before we even realized it!

      It's scary...
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      • Posted by $ 2 years ago
        My understanding is this is marketing, a commercial. I’m not sure if this is to raise capital or to promote the tech. The quality of the commercial indicates big money is behind this idea/vision.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years ago
          Yeah, the external womb. But the genetic manipulation stuff is here... CRiSPR Technology, etc.

          The good news is that the world leaders are NOT SO STUPID to mess with nature thinking they are smarter than millions of years of... Never Mind... See you on the other side....
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years ago
    So these manufactured babies will be able to hear you sing and listen to music. But what else?
    Imagine such a facility in the hands of the Woke or even the CCP? What are your pronouns, baby?
    Oops! New thought, Me dino just imagined our smiling Puppet-In-Chief saying, "God would love this."
    Now I'm thinking of an evilly smiling Chuck Schumer (spell check calls him Schemer) peering back at me over his glasses.
    Get off this post dino!!! Run away!!!
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  • Posted by $ 2 years ago
    If it wasn't for all nefarious, unlawful, and absolutely evil sh*t that's going on, without that perspective, this tech, if applied to long term space travel, aka generation space ships, this could have a less ominous purpose and even be exciting. Consider, greater attainable speeds (a micron or two closer to FTL), less food/oxygen, less weight to haul, more efficient use of fuel, with fully robotic self maintaining crews utilizing AI for guidance,etc. Unfortunately, we don't live in that world.
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