Random thoughts on AS P1 and P2

Posted by LionelHutz 12 years ago to Movies
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So, having just got my P2 BluRay and watching it a couple of times, I popped P1 back in to have both of them fresh in my mind.

Just rambling thoughts here:

1. I think the graphic effect done when people "disappeared" was better in P1.

2. Like the P1 Dagny better. But I don't care for her over-dramatic "Noooo!!!!" at the end. P2 Dagny is just fine as well.

3. Like the P2 James Taggert better. P1 James looks like he's still in college.

4. Both of the Eddie's are miscast.

5. James Taggert's "You're lucky. Other people are human..." line just comes off weird, as does Dagny's comeback. As does their later conversation where Dagny warns him not to double-cross after she breaks away from TT in order to build the John Galt line.

6. Hank Reardon - younger in P1 than I pictured him in the book. But I like him.
I like the P2 Reardon as well, and I think he delivers his Trial lines in top notch manner.

7. I like the P1 Lillian better. She's does a great job putting out the bitter wife vibe.

8. Hank's mom - few lines but fantastic. Nails it.

9. P1 Wesley Mouch looks the part. I'd buy he's a govt influence peddler.

10. I think the P1 Francisco was more believable as a "playboy".

11. P1 Ellis Wyatt is just PERFECT. Probably the best cast role of P1.

12. Dr Stadler - I had trouble understanding the accent of the P1 version. P2 Robert Picardo worked very well and I prefer him.

13. Galts generator looks WAY BETTER in P2. P1's version didn't bother me until I saw P2 and now P1 is embarrassing.

14. The significance Dr Akston is lost in P1 and the actor is WAY too young for this part.

15. I don't know how I missed this all the other times I've watched P1, but for the first time tonight I noticed that John Galt was waiting for Dagny in the Halfway House Cafe.

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  • Posted by eskslo 12 years ago
    I think the biggest disappointment was dagney. Taylor schilling just WAS dagney. If you recall how rand describes her as angular, sharp, direct etc. i think that is just who taylor is so she doesnt have to sell it. mathis is too soft. I think almost all the other cast changes in part two are better. Part 2 rearden is great.
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  • Posted by khalling 12 years ago
    #13. lol.
    that's kinda funny about Lillian. I didn't buy the bitterness as much, either. again, I think it wasn't so much the acting as the "look."
    although I was ok with James T in II, I really liked the the James T in pt.1 I think it might be because the story has less of him in part 2.
    clearly, the casting in part 2 aged everyone by 10-15 years. I'm not so sure that was the best idea. although they shouldn't look like they're in their 20s, early 30s is spot on(for the main characters). but overall, I thought the characters looked 40ish or older. (except for Cheryl). and she nailed it
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  • Posted by UncommonSense 12 years ago
    I totally concur with most of your points except I wish the first Dagny had stayed on for Pt 2. For #7, I definitely thought P1 actress for Lillian was better looking and was more convincing than the P2 actress. Otherwise, ditto on the rest.
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