Santa's Sleigh Mistakenly Shot Down By Ukranian Missle

Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 1 month ago to Humor
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Don't tell your kids. This will break their little hearts. Here's an idea. Hurry out to buy toys, sneak them back in and when the little tykes sleep spread the toys around the Christmas tree to say that Santa did it.
As for this terrible accident that's all Santa's fault for flying through a known air combat zone, our President Quid Pro Quo Sell-Out Joe has nothing to say.
But it's a sure bet "Big Guy" Biden will fulfill President Zelensky's demand to replace the Patriot missile he wasted on Santa. Or else the dictator squeals.
And did you know Zelensky runs the kind of "democracy" Democrat leaders are trying so hard to play Dr' Frankenstein with.
It's all true, but what is no longer true is is the following Fake News article kiddies anticipate on Christmas Eve~~

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