British Movie, "Threads"

Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 3 months ago to Movies
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After hearing this movie mentioned in a recent podcast about nuclear war I found it on youtube. Anybody else ever see this? I just watched it for the first time. Made around 1984 - It is relevant today since Joe is saying we're closer to nuclear Armageddon than ever and seems to not want to do much about it. His brief press conference with other NATO leaders today was the strangest I've ever seen. Only one word was said. "No".(by Joe). That was it. This movie is probably the scariest movie I've ever seen about nuclear war.


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  • Posted by chad 2 years, 3 months ago
    I used to teach outdoor recreation classes at the local university, one of those classes was survival. While the students thought it was an exciting challenge to discover if they could make it back they also knew that there was rescue if they failed.
    Some thought it was a connection with a simpler time. Few realized that if this becomes day to day existence morality comes down to who can survive even if it means at the expense of another. Having to go forth each day and survive by whatever means necessary, forgoing the company of others if their presence means you die. There is no time to think, to build, to engineer; there is only what to do to eat again before my energy runs out. The human race has come a long way from that kind of existence and depends on the morality of vicious immoral leaders to not destroy the possibility of life given by liberty. It can happen in what would seem like a moment from a nuclear war, or slow degradation of a society as it descends into totalitarianism achieved by the choice to do so to ones own detriment.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 3 months ago
      There are any number of post-apocalyptic survival games like "Salvation Road" or "Defenders of the Last Stand" and others that echo this theme. Civilization as we know it would not survive if everything gets shut down in this fashion. Not even including the direct blast and fallout on a major city, you're talking about better than 90% casualties simply as a result of lack of basic services.

      Hmmmm... Come to think about it, though, big cities are 90% Democrat. Hmmm... (Am I a terrible person for thinking this?)
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      • Posted by chad 2 years, 3 months ago
        I have often stated to a friend of mine that the only possibility of our escaping tyranny would be a meteor strike, preferably Washington, D.C. and any large city.
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  • Posted by $ 2 years, 3 months ago
    Now we learn that it was Ukraine that bombed Poland. See how tricky this is?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 3 months ago
      It’s not tricky at all. The shit bags want to distract from their crimes. Weird that Ukraine shot the missile that the AP said was Russia at the same time the FTX story broke. You know the money laundering crypto pyramid.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 3 months ago
    I first saw this film in 1988. It offers an even more realistic view, in the form of a documentary, than the 1983 US made film "The Day After."
    I have made it a point to watch "Threads" once a year (since it became available for online viewing).
    Watching this film keeps me fully grounded in reality.
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  • Posted by NealS 2 years, 3 months ago
    I remember seeing that movie a long time ago. This time I found it more difficult, commercials every few minutes. So I downloaded the whole thing and was able to watch it without commercials. But now a new problem raised its head. I have difficulty understanding British English without closed captioning. Such is life at 80.
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