[Ask the Gulch] Gridlock...is GOOD!!!
Posted by deleted 2 years, 3 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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- 3Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 3 months agoThe last thing a want is my government running like a well oiled machine if I feel it no longer has my best interest in mind.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 3Posted by VetteGuy 2 years, 3 months agoThe less the federal government is able to do, the less they are able to screw up!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 3 months agoUnless cheating turns this around, I may have spoken too soon. Perhaps the looters will be stopped from printing more monopoly money. Unless the looters conspire. Perhaps we'll see some dirty laundry aired, even though the DOJ is blind and deaf. So the Senate can pass Bills, but the House doesn't have to fund them.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 3 months agoI believe finance bills are supposed to originate only in the House, never in the Senate.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|