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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 2 months ago
    ThanQ Walter,
    Indeed the MB is a very dangerous arm of the Satanic Luciferian Genocidal Globalists Pee doh
    Cabal or aka the invisible enemy.

    This excerpt will add to the post…
    “ Another surviving remnant of the fall of Nazi Germany was the Muslim Brotherhood. Formed in 1928, they formed an immediate alliance with Hitler, who financed much of the Muslim Brotherhood with the assets confiscated from Jews, who met their fates in the concentration camps.

    After WW2, the Muslim Brotherhood received much of their funding from Saudi Arabia. On the run for war crimes and also getting purged from their stronghold in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood was eventually rounded up by British Intelligence, who handed them over to the CIA.

    The CIA, formed after WW2, did not present the Muslim Brotherhood for war crimes. Instead, they sent many of them off to Saudi Arabia, where they became deeply embedded within the nation, particularly in the schools. There they forged the Islamo-Fascist religion known as Wahhabism.

    Other members of the Brotherhood set up an underground base in Germany from which they would operate internationally.

    It is claimed the Muslim Brotherhood provided humanity with the ‘benefits’ of Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Al Baghdadi, Hamas, Al Qaeda, ISIS and possibly even Iran, with all the wars and terror that has come with its regime.

    It is claimed that Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, is from a family with very close ties to the upper echelon of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is claimed that Obama may have had his Harvard Law degree financed by Al Waleed Bin Talal – one of the richest Saudis in the world. It is claimed that ex-CIA director John Brennan, may have converted to Wahhabism.

    The origins, or perhaps “the oranges”, of the CIA may have had dubious ties to international fascism and exceptionally close ties to Nazi Germany. Notably, GHWB’s father, Prescott Bush, had his company’s assets seized in 1942 under the “Trading with the Enemy Act” for effecting banking for the Nazi regime. What was the sentence for this crime? GHWB became CIA director. The same CIA that let the Muslim Brotherhood, or the Islamic chapter of the Nazis, thrive in Saudi Arabia and Germany.

    Since 1945 the world has not stopped suffering under the Kaiser’s decisions in 1917. Communism would never have spread to China and beyond if it was not for the stronghold it managed to gain in Russia. Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and many other monsters would not have been born into authority.

    We may not have seen radical Islam and its terror attacks; the War on Terror; the rise and rise of Government through massive taxation; the rise of the super-global corporations which are larger than nations. This all led to the 100-year march of the central bank, placing the world into a debt trap that would place nations into debt servitude for generations to come. The Prussians were not gone; they were just invisible.

    The world was in a war so insidious, that it was impossible to detect. The world was being attacked by a strategy so ambitious and with such a deadly intent, that it is impossible to believe. The world was being attacked by an enemy that no longer used geography as the battlefield, but psychology.

    This was an enemy that made us think we had won the battles, so that they could win the War. This is the Horrible Invisible Enemy”. This is #PrussiaGate.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 2 months ago
      Muslim Brotherhood, logical outgrowth of 18th century Saudi Wahhabi Islam. The Germans.... Love chaos, everywhere except Germany, of course.
      Been listening to interviews of an old spook named Sir Micheal Shrimpton. Man this guy has the dirt on what the German intelligence is up to today. If there is such a thing as the Cabal, the Illuminate, the puppet masters, or the ultimate swap creatures, look no further. His claim is that the German intelligence of WWII was never broke up. The talk with Dr Joseph Farrell and Tino von Struckman was particularly insightful.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 2 months ago
        I will look into it thanks for the link. I would argue it’s the Prussians not the Germans. German citizenry has been decimated by both World Wars.
        The money and the brains and the power behind Hitler never skipped a beat. Those same banking and industrialists who used slave labor from concentration camps, got off scot free. Fredrick the Great was the faggot father of blackmail and spying here’s a link to the table of contents the 9 part series is near the bottom called An Ode to the Prussian Pickle
        Part I
        Part II
        Part III
        Part IV
        Part V
        Part VI
        Part VII
        Part VIII
        Part IX
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 2 months ago
          The history of this neck of the woods is so confusing. But I fully agree the Prussians never went away, they just adapted and changed their clothing. Like a chameleon... or a changeling.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
    Thanks for the extended comment, Dobrien, I really appreciate it. I can't confirm many of the particulars you cite but I can tell you that this book confirms many of your themes and the thrust of your remarks and provides examples that are compelling, illuminating, and fascinating in their own rite. Can't miss this book.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 2 months ago
    Thanks for the comments, especially for calling attention to the link with the Obama White House. I view this book as of immeasurable importance to America, Israel, and, indeed, the world.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 2 months ago
    The world’s most dangerous terrorist group is not hiding in the caves of the Hindu Kush or in the Saharan wilderness—it operates inside the United States, and its members have sworn to fight eternal jihad. The Muslim Brotherhood is a fraternal cult inspired by the Order of the Assassins and modeled after Joseph Stalin’s Secret Apparatus. It’s an incubator for Islamic terrorist organizations, and it has implemented a one-hundred-year plan to destroy the West. The Muslim Brotherhood claims to be a reformist, non-violent political organization, but it is a terrorism apparatus with a political facade, which its founder Hassan al-Banna called “an industry of death.”

    The Secret Apparatus proves the Muslim Brotherhood’s clandestine militia—the secret apparatus—is still operational. The Brotherhood leadership’s own words, internal documents, and highest-ranking defector confirm the Brotherhood founded most modern terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. This book examines the Brotherhood’s history, political theology, and secret alliance with Iran, and offers policy recommendations needed to stop an existential threat to the United States and the world.
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