Is There Something In The Air Or Is Someone Trying To Tell Us Something?

Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 2 months ago to Humor
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Me dino remembers when Obama was our Liar-In-Chief, a fly landed just above his upper lip just shy of being beneath his nose. And Obama didn't even notice it!!! How could he not feel that?
Another time while Obama stood before a podium preaching his Schiff, a Fox News camera showed a rat scurrying past his feet. Think maybe he was standing before the White House but I'm not sure.
Me dino also recalls a very black fly really showing up for landing in the white hair on top of Mike Pence's head. That gave me kind of a queasy feeling for recalling the fly that went just as unnoticed on Obama's face. As for that feeling I had for also seeing that Obamanation fly on Pence, well sometimes me dino thinks I'm a tad psychic.
For example, I'll out of the blue think of a movie I've seen and--bam!--there I find it on TV same day or the next. Weird!
As for Pence, about two days later he stabbed Trump in the back by validating (or whatever you call what he did precisely) the rigged 2020 presidential election that placed a senile bumbling basement Biden with his teeny tiny political rallies into the White House.
So is someone trying to tell us something about Fetterman too? Check out the link if you haven't already.
This video snippet catches the ogre~~oops, Fetterman, I mean~~saying, "--with a president who is a hundred percent sedition free." That's when~~whoosh!~~American flags behind him all fell down!!!
SOURCE URL:,Democratic%20Party%E2%80%99s%20representative%20ahead%20of%20the%20US%20midterms.

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