The Real Anthony Fauci - Million copy selling book, now a movie, streaming free until October 27th.
From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the explosive book is now a documentary streaming free for a limited times. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) .
The linked video is not from the official site, located here, but I was unsure if their video would embed.
The book is only $2.99 on Kindle, and is a million copy seller, but has been widely ignored. The documentary is definitely eye-opening, and I would encourage everyone to view it and SHARE IT.
The linked video is not from the official site, located here, but I was unsure if their video would embed.
The book is only $2.99 on Kindle, and is a million copy seller, but has been widely ignored. The documentary is definitely eye-opening, and I would encourage everyone to view it and SHARE IT.
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- 2Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 4 months agoI'm going to buy the book. I went to the ER at Methodist Hospital last night for an MRI and when the little unenlightened receptionist told me I 'had' to wear a mask. I said, 'NO I do not. I have had COVID and that mask isn't good for anything' She smartly said, 'Well I have had COVID and I'm wearing mine.' I congratulated her and remarked, 'Have you contributed $50,000 to this hospital?' She almost fell off her chair, The MRI was a very pleasant event (they have a new machine). I was given two blankets and they put earphones on me and played Willie Nelson songs. They asked if I wanted a warm washcloth over my eyes and I liked that.I threw one more at her and said, 'This new hip I have contributed $75,000. I think you work for me.' Not another thing was said to me about a mask.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months agoI bought the book the day it came out. SLowly making my way through, but I did screenshot the movie and am watching it too. Comments on YT say "Oh he's done for now," but I don't believe that for a second. The movie as well as the book will be buried as much as possible.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by bkeiber 2 years, 4 months agoSomeone needs to clue little Fauci in on basic body language 101. "Peaked" fingers presents to others that the individual feels superior to those around him. Not that we didn't know this about him already.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|