Biden: ‘No One Ever Doubts That I Mean What I Say’
But everyone knows he doesn't know what he's saying a minute before and a minute after they place and remove the teleprompter. Hell, he's not even sure where he is.
Funny if not so pathetic.
Funny if not so pathetic.
I am curious with all the BS these folks peddle, the blatant lies and absolute falsehoods, that they don't spontaneously combust.
as we are seeing
not that democrats care
they seem happy to rule over a hell of their own creation
But on a pure humor level..."Yea, I mean what I say, wait, what did I say?"
Better yet, "What do you say to those people that question your ability to be the pres"..."Watch Me", it says...Mr. Resident, We have watched and weighed and find you wanting.