The western world is under attack…

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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Please correct me if any of this seems out of place or fearmongering?

The self-inflicted events and responses from western governments, especially the United States, are beyond incompetence and are fully rooted in treason. Even the feeblest, Alzheimer riddled president has staff to correct his poor judgments, at least by now. I’ve been beyond explaining everything through incompetence for a very long time and I’m fully under the belief these people want to do us and our way of life harm. We are at war, its only at a psyops stage now…

I have become numb to the events occurring daily, all of this is designed to ware us out, destroy the tenants of our freedom and weaken us. Nord Stream was last week, today it’s the idiot and command of morons releasing more oil from our strategic reserve. Tomorrow, my son wants to cut off his penis and my daughter asks if she could have it. Bizarro world…

I think the big reveal is soon, I think it’s right after the elections… If you were planning something as large and fundamental as what is happening right now, would you allow a pesky election to get in your way? People keep saying that we need to vote them out, I don’t think that is going to work. Ether they will cheat and cheat so obviously that we all know, or the election will fall our way and we will be powerless in installing our government. Either way it’s a demonstration of their power and control.

I think we need to stop complaining and start declaring what our response will be to these traitors. I think an event will happen that will wake most people up, it almost happened when they tried to force the vaccine in exchange for employment. I would have been out of a job and foreclosure would be on the doorstep, I would have dropped out of the rat race and pissed off. It's unfortunate that when that time comes, it might be too late. The mortgage and debt system is a tool of control, I wish I has wise enough to realize that earlier.

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    Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 5 months ago
    The GOP is a willing accomplice of the Deep State.
    If the Deep State wants to calm the MAGA support crew (and thereby gain 2 years to
    continue the narrative and provide cover for that narrative) they will allow the GOP to
    take at least one of the houses of con-gress.
    Then MAGA will be quelled as they watch the CINO's in the con-gress betray them
    again for the thousandth time.
    Nothing will change and the media will blame the GOP for what little they do
    to defend the rights of the People, and praise the GOP for every treasonous act.

    No one will be punished for any of the thousands of treasonous acts since the
    1980's, including the murderous COVID actions and the theft of the 2020 elections.

    I don't see any peaceful way to regain our liberties.

    The federal government (and many state governments) are utterly corrupt
    and such traitors deserve the same fate as Marie Antoinette.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 5 months ago
      good point, you are correct that the RINO GOP is simply another arm of the same team. We do have a few like Rand Paul but why do they not act? It's unfortunate that the few I thought supported our constitution proved me wrong.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 5 months ago
        Maybe they are acting. Anyone who is working on the patriots behalf is smeared. The msm certainly is not telling of their efforts to rid US of the corruption. Marjorie Taylor Green , Lauren Bobbert, Kari Lake, Louie Gohmert ,Matt Gaetz , Clarence Thomas, Trump as the leader.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
    We have to try to convert the people in this country to Objectivism. It will be hard; it will take a long time. But there is a definite attractiveness to it that may gain new adherents. But don't cower if somebody accuses you of "selfishness". When someone calls me selfish I say yes, I am, and "I mean to go right on being selfish." Of course, there is more to it than that. We need to try to explain why people should accept Aristotelian logic. We needn't always use long, polysyllabic words.We need to explain how an attempt to deny the Law of Identity leads inevitably to self-contradiction. I mean, in conversations with people. And if you have children,(I don't), please encourage them to think for themselves and understand why 2+2 always = 4,
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 5 months ago
      Hey LibertyBell, have you seriously tried to talk to one of these Liberals? My favorite is a well-educated daughter of a BFF of mine. She is so bad her father, 87 years old, announced there would be no discussions of a political nature in his home! Wow! He is a very peaceful gentleman. She fled back to Mexico where she has decided to make her home rather than living in her homeland USA. I am serious. She is hopelessly in love with Biden and his bunch. I don't understand that at all. I commented to her that I noticed she no longer was living in her Native land and she just gave me a dirty look. You can't reason with these people. They are beyond reason. I liked your Post. N
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    • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 5 months ago
      If you want to evangelize, I wish you luck. The problem is that the people who most need it aren't interested in anything even slightly resembling rational thought. They have abandoned reality in favor of a fantasy universe of rainbows and unicorns, no carbon emissions, complete weather control, unlimited participation in vice and excess without consequence, etc. To me, it's a lost cause to try to talk to these people until the large 2x4 of Reality comes along and smacks them upside the head hard enough to jar them out of these imaginary worlds.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 5 months ago
    Exactly why I am decoupling from the system. We are not going to stop this. Voting harder is not going to matter. Neo-Feudalism masquerading as Socialism has reached critical mass.
    I am cashing out my 401k in January. Penalties be damned. I’ve already changed my allocation to capital preservation. I’ve lost twice the penalty since last January already. And that money isn’t getting parked in some money market account. It’s getting turned into intrinsic value items.
    If there must be financial malfeasance let it not be through me or my efforts.
    Go Galt!
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 5 months ago
    From my post on the evolution of slavery part 4
    You will see ,as you say the “mortgage and debt system is a tool of control” . It is slavery , guess who the Deep State is ? It is the Banking Cartel!
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    • Posted by 2 years, 5 months ago
      With the resent spending and money printing, they are demonstrating that the paper money backed by nothing is worth nothing. About ten years ago I became interested in how new money is introduced into the currency supply, once I found this out, then I realized the game is rigged.

      Most new currency is spontaneously created when someone takes a load out, this is why the government needs people to finance. For the last 15 + years the interest rates have been at near zero to encourage financing as much as possible. Now with so much spending, inflation is rising, and we can’t raise rates without major consequences. The dollar is dead…

      I cashed out all my previous employer 401 K into a self-directed IRA and purchased gold and silver.

      I think the best response we could have is to simply stop paying taxes. Unfortunately, the first few examples with be placed in the jail like the j6 people never to be heard from again. Need some way to collectively give the government the big middle finger all at once.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 5 months ago
        My awakening to the ruse about the FED was in 1984 when I learned that 20 secret families owned the Whole ball of wax and that we owed them an annual interest on the money outstanding at 6%. The banking cartel’s Prussian queer Kissmyassinger and Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971. LBJ’s great new deal and Vietnam had kicked off inflation by then. The oil embargo was the perfect opportunity to institute the Petro Dollar. The house of Saud and OPEC In agreement for Security as the US dollar was required to purchase Oil. That meant 160+ countries had to keep Dollar reserves. This effectively meant artificial demand. That scenario can only end up inflationary as the BRICS now are using commodity based currency , US dollars will be flowing back. They knew this would happen and fully expected US to be at war with Russia and blame the economic implosion on the war.
        Patriots like Donald J Trump got in the way of that plan and are now in the process of destroying the Old Guard. Good vs Evil , plain as that.
        Keep Spread the truth as you do !
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        • Posted by Flootus5 2 years, 5 months ago
          The whole banking thing is an exercise in bravery of knowing too much. Jekyll Island started it for me. And now I find out that the BIS was started by Hjalmar Schacht? Just great. "Circle back" to the Ominous Parallels.

          So we slid our way off of millennia of precious metals to the oil standard. And now "we" are dumping the fossil fuel standard for.......?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 5 months ago
    It seems as though they are trying to trigger some sort of nuclear response from Russia or a massive hacking....Which will lead to the next huge domestic lockdown. You'll need your vax to leave your house - or something along those lines. Martial law will be imposed before the end of Biden's tenure if they can help it.

    Here's what I keep saying that almost nobody wants to hear. The next president will be Newsome. I believe he's as good as in already. And, he'll do things that'll blow your mind...

    If you don't listen to the podcast Liberty Lockdown I think you might want to. His last episode was about this topic...
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 5 months ago
      I never think of Newsom as a legit contender (no I don't "want" to hear it), but they do have to have somebody, and even they are tired of Biden. Newsom has the advantage of being young and attractive, and that does not bode well for us.

      Anyone who thinks Newsom could not be successful should remember this phrase: "Jimmy WHO?"

      I suspect most of us remember Jimmy WHO but just in case there are some young folks in here who don't, Jimmy WHO is Jimmy Carter, arguably the second worst President of the US. No one took him seriously - and most people didn't even know who he was, because he was just this little ole peanut farmer from Jaw-ja who couldn't possibly be a serious contender. Edit: spelling of name "Newsom"
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    • Posted by 2 years, 5 months ago
      I left California and homesteaded property in Idaho because of how he ran California among other reasons. He has no sole... He'll run in 2024 if we make it that far, if not, he'll be installed before that in some underhanded way. i.e via speaker of the house...
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 5 months ago
      The left would Love to have Newsome in the WH. It reminds me of an old saying that comes to mind.
      They can want in one hand and shit in the other and we will see what fills up faster.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 5 months ago
    I cannot breathe with a mask on. I managed a health, dental, mental clinic for 16 years and I couldn't wear a mask. I have a tiny nose and can't breathe. Now a big nosed woman can wear a mask but I can't breathe with a mask on. If my nose was as big as some of them, I'd hide it too.
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  • Posted by starguy 2 years, 5 months ago
    If only someone had told us what could happen, if we went down this path. Say, in a lengthy novel, written in 1957. If only. Sigh.
    Who is John Galt?
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  • Posted by Stormi 2 years, 5 months ago
    Maybe because I have been following this since the 70s, I recognized their playbook early on. I knew from reading about Tavistock, what they thought of capitalism, and how to bastardize it to an oligarchy. I read Kissinger in the 70s as he called for New World Order, by controlling food, bands and oil. I kndw from reading UN Agenda 21, that we were to be reduced to a 3rd world totalitarian, UN controlled nation. I knew they hated us. Both the Dems and the RINOS. I was not content to make it easy, so fighting to stay free was my goal. Still is, I read research papers on the vaccine to spread ruth about its affect on immunity. I knew they lied about the bat, I have bats in their own cedar hous. I knew enough biology to expose lies. Having read UN Agenda 21, I knew the goals, and continue to try to spread the truth. I know about the switching of the Earth magnetic poles as the control of weather, not CO2, so I tell people where to look for truth. They will take us down, but I will not help made it easy.The school system is one of the most pernicious arms of this dastardly goal of theirs. It is not Russia, it is Soros, Bidne Ukraine corruption, through which we will be harmed. They disract, they mandate, they lie, but they will have to outwit many to reach the goal posts. Think abut our bomobing Syria to get to ISIS, yet it is a contradiction, as when durin Obama, we took out Gadaffi, Obama sent his money and weapons to ISIS, across Behghazi, and that is why Hillary made up the fake video for why no one should help the embassy there. They use us.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 5 months ago
    Is the election the trigger moment or is this all expected to continue for years to come?
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 5 months ago
      This will continue until the end of the decade. Expect occasional safety valve pop-offs. These midterms being a likely one. But as I’ve said before...zoom out the graph. We have been losing ground for at least 40 years.
      I’m not even advocating political violence. That just encourages the tyranny. I’m saying the whole thing will collapse on it’s own if the good people just stop propping it up.
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      • Posted by $ Snezzy 2 years, 5 months ago
        "...if the good people just stop propping it up...."
        Rand told us as much. She wrote a large book about it, and any attempts to discredit her are lies or misrepresentations.
        Perhaps we all should start asking our friends and relatives, as well as people we encounter randomly, "Who is John Galt?" We must refuse to answer that question except to say, "Read the book."
        On second thought, forget talking to relatives. They're all Philip Rearden.
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