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Recalling what an U.S. Army general wrote on a note when Nazis demanded his surrender during the Battle Of The Bulge~~NUTS!
But I like 'the border crisis'.
-- Klaus Schwab
Now that's a Great Reset I can get behind!
Vehicles run by petroleum (also natural gas and H,) get their fuel from any of hundreds of thousands of privately-owned filling stations - while electric vehicles, as an absolute rule, must rely on a power grid, which power grid is a monopoly run by government (or at best a single private entity given nominal "ownership" of a power grid in a certain region, which is the same thing.)
If your vehicle can be filled by private, capitalist vendors operating within the marketplace, you have innumerable options. If your vehicle must plug into an electrical monopoly, you are 100% dependent on the government agency which controls that monopoly, and which can flip the "off" switch on your right - yes, RIGHT - to travel, at whim, on any pretext.
Folks, there is a good reason why horse theft was a hanging offense in the Old West. An idea ripe for revisiting, IMO.
The last-ditch option even of... firing up a gas-powered generator to charge up your battery-powered "devices" will no longer be an option when an independent fossil fuel - petrol, natural gas, hydrogen - is no longer available. Think about that for a minute.
Since the technology has progressed beyond the prospect of "mini-Hindenburgs" that comedian Dennis Miller hilariously talked about a few years back, ultimately I would like to see hydrogen power become the "alternative" fuel of choice because it's still a fuel that can be privately provided - therefore independent of the control of government at any level.
But 100% electric means, inescapably: the right to personal travel becomes a matter of 100% "permission" by government, to be withdrawn at whim.
You could have left out the ones about the pedo, however. Those things will never come out of my brain now.