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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years ago
    Trump supporters are the "new Jews" as far as the Biden backers are concerned. I expect a new attempt at a "Reichstag fire" episode, since the Jan 6 star chamber failed so miserably, and to see Antifa turned loose in a repeat of Kristallnacht, attacking conservative businesses.

    Even if such exaggerated efforts fail miserably, expect to see Biden declare a national emergency, accusing the "Ultra-MAGA" Republicans of plotting to defraud American voters. The action he will attempt to take will be a declaration of nationwide martial law, but only to "protect" polling locations and "insure fair voting", by enforcing a ban on requiring voter ID, signature verification, or any attempt to limit drop boxes.

    The scenario may be different, but I can't believe the cabal at the top won't try to pull some kind of constitutional violation to prevent losing control of Congress.
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      Biden also made some gibberish comments about "having an F-15 to attack America--guns won't do." Actually, they will do. That's why he's so eager to take them away from law-abiding people.

      BTW, you are right. They aren't going to concede anything. Republicans have to concede, or they're EOTS. Media is all over Trump for not conceding election but never a word about Stacey Abrams.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years ago
        Expect to see every close election (and I'm talking about anything that isn't a blowout) contested in court, because the Democrats won't be satisfied with state recounts, that only happen if the difference is less than a percent. I have no doubt they will feel no guilt in staging a real January 6 event if they see they will lose control of the Senate, accusing the Republicans of suppressing the vote.
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  • Posted by 2 years ago
    This image may have been photoshopped to be darker that it actually was. I also saw a report that CNN, while televising Biden's "Speech at the Gates of Hell," lightened the red color background to more of a pink to make the setting less ominous.

    Hard to know what is authentic these days in imagery thanks to Photoshop.
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  • Posted by 2 years ago
    AJ & Dobrien, thanks for the upvotes pulling the original post out of the hole.

    The photoshopped version seen here is more in accord with the tone of the speech. Also, brining in the Marine guard as a backdrop has some very telling implications.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
    i do not believe the Marines behind biden the usurper were real Marines
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years ago
      You may be right. You caused me to think of all the lines of phony doctors King Barry pushing his Obamacare always had standing around with stupid stethoscopes hanging from their necks.
      If those two are Marines, the USMC has to follow the orders of even a puppet Commander-In-Chief and the two Marines they were ordered to provide just may vote Republican for having to endure such Nazi-like Schiff.
      Me dino keeps hearing even on Fox News that the two Marines are standing at attention. I was in the Marines. That IS NOT standing at the position of attention.
      That's a stiffly standing "at ease" due to their holding their hands folded before them. Maybe wannbe der Fuhrer Little Joey's handlers wanted them to look kinda pious.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 2 years ago
    When I saw the red lighing on the military, I thought Nazi! It stands to reason, considering, Biden is all in on Ukraine, wanst to keep control, and leader Zelinskyy was funded into office by Nazi Soros. Closer to home Open Borders, also funded by Soros, BLM, funds srom Soros. Even closer to ole Joe, Government for Impact, funded by Open Borders, aka: Soros. The man who worked with the Nazi s during Hitler. You cannot get more of a Faxcist group in one place. Obama was to get us under UN control, for Soros. Failed, but is still a hanger on.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years ago
    I Call it his Blood Red Speech! Talk about staging by his puppet masters, he was medicinally juiced up too. Now, some of the National Socialist Democrats are following his lead. The Republicans are sitting back and doing nothing to counteract this propaganda campaign, Waht the hell is going on?
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