Celebrate Atlas Shrugged Day with the Atlas Society!

Posted by GaltsGulch 2 years, 3 months ago to Philosophy
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Today, at 3PM ET, the Atlas Society will be hosting a live ZOOM meeting.

From the Atlas Society...
The theme we want to lean into this year surrounds this quote by Rand "Atlas Shrugged is not a prophecy of our unavoidable destruction, but a manifesto of our power to avoid it, if we choose to change our course."

Many people think the country is on the wrong track (and we don't want to be Pollyanna about it) but Ayn Rand said we have the ability to change course, and we want to come together to look for signs that it's working.

Sign up for the event now: https://atlassociety-org.zoom.us/meet...
SOURCE URL: https://atlassociety-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqduusqzwrHtavIsnMkC59ECCuXPkSh6OV

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