How do you see the dollar failure happening? $31T in debt..
Posted by jack1776 2 years, 6 months ago to Ask the Gulch
I know everyone has seen this but we are at 31 trillion dollars in debt. or 244 thousand dollars for every producer. Are debt to GDP ratio is now 124% where in 2000 its was 57%. I see mass repossessions when people can’t repay mortgages, this leads to BlackRock types buying your property and renting it back to you. The dollar losing reserve currency status and the introduction of a worldwide digital currency leading to control and totalitarianism. All of this has been stated in not to precise of a way before, the question is how do we survive and profit during this time?
However, the rest of the currencies of the "west" are no better, and it appears
that China's economy (and currency as a result) is having significant issues, too.
Russia appears to have the strongest position at present with raw materials (energy.)
China still has low cost production that can support the currency, but if demand
in the west collapses, that will not be useful.
The Deep State (banksters et al) has driven the world's economy into the sewer
on purpose and expects to remain in control of billions of starving and sick slaves.
Only the heavily armed American people have any chance to survive (and to save
the rest of the world's people), but it will be a dark time unless there is well planned
and executed action very soon. If that happens and is successful, real free trade
alliances with Russia, Canada, Brazil, and Australia could put the world on track
They will fail and PM’s will skyrocket.
you need to add all the unfunded pension stuff, that is close to 200T
Their solution is to act like they are combatting inflation while encouraging it. Because it’s the only way they can pay that debt down. Or more likely....keep kicking the can down the road.
They would have to tax EVERY ONE at 100% for 3 years to pay down the principal. It can’t be done. We are bankrupt as a nation. The sooner people wrap their noodles around that mathematical fact the better.
I’m telling you all right now that we are entering a period of prolonged inflation. We will quite literally ALL be millionaires before this is over. Adjust your portfolios accordingly.
Dinos can really always remember when someone "Let's pass this bill to see what is in it" big time blows my mind.
Now, with the Fed chairman's statements just yesterday, a tremendous stagflationary condition. America has painted itself into a corner..."In order to save this village we must destroy this village..."