I’m exhausted of listening to the left has done this or the administration has done that, the constant news of our destruction is becoming exhausting, lets get on with it. These types of news stories are persistent for two reasons, nether is a positive for us. The first is to cause mental distress in the vast majority of the populous, a state of hopelessness is preferable to our cultural destruction and replacement with a new world order. To have the average mouth breather welcome the changes planned can only be a positive for this movement. The second has yet to occur, the triggering of patriots, I think there are goading a segment to act. When this segment acts, the whole segment will be vilified and punished, while setting an example; this is to identify their opposition.
We need to understand that we are under attack from within and we need to realize that they have carefully taking control of government (federal, state, county, city, and school boards), news, schools, entertainment. The quicker we realize what is upon us, the quicker we can address this problem.
Let’s be clear here, they want us to fight, so how do we respond?
We need to understand that we are under attack from within and we need to realize that they have carefully taking control of government (federal, state, county, city, and school boards), news, schools, entertainment. The quicker we realize what is upon us, the quicker we can address this problem.
Let’s be clear here, they want us to fight, so how do we respond?
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- 2Posted by jack1776 2 years, 6 months agoCleaning house - We need to prosecute locally where we have uncorrupted judicial establishments. We need to set examples. They is much corruption to unpack, let’s do it.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by jack1776 2 years, 6 months agoSelf-reliance - We need to save small businesses; this is our savior which provides our self-reliance. The big box stores are in place by the establishment and will enforce their will. ESG is the control mechanism they are using. Any business that is a member of the World Economic Forum is in opposition to our goals.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by jack1776 2 years, 6 months agoElection integrity - We need to regain control of our election system, we out number them in mass and it only seems the opposite due to the control of the media. Poll watchers at a minimum, in the states with some control, we need to hold truly fair election and publish the vast differences with we don’t use Dominion voting machines.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|