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If one of my kids or Grands had autism I would do the research to find out.
To have a reviled career in computer code then a full time occupation spreading phony vaccinations.
And the conclusion ignores free will choices made by students who disregarded economic realities that are obvious to anyone with ability to think rationally.
Typical of the left to place blame for their mistakes on people who were blameless.
Reminds me of voters continuing to vote for the two major parties that always lie and complaining about the results.
Thanks for the memes, DOB. 👍
Enjoyed the groper, straws, puppeteer.
Today, one making 1000.00 a week has a morg of about 2000.00...you just can't win.
Average annual income: $12,900 or ~$250/month.
Average new home cost: $32,500 or 2.5x one's annual salary
Milk was $1.31/gal
Eggs were a staggering $.69/dozen
Gas was $.39/gallon
bread was 5-20 oz loaves for $1.00
Tuition would have been 91 hrs @1.65/hr (minimum wage). That's a part-time job for a month.
For comparison (from various sources) in 2022
Average annual income: $53,500 (4.15x the 1973 figure) - in my area, avg annual income is $51,500.
Average new home cost: $348,000 (10.7x) - in my area, avg home cost is $550,000.
Milk is $4.38/gal (3.34x)
Eggs are $2.94/dozen (4.26x) - In my area, eggs are $4/doz and still rising.
Gas has come down to a mere $3.84/gal (down from >$5/gal) (10x) - in my area, gas is $4.59/gal
Bread is $1.72/loaf (8.6x)
Tuition is now 936 hrs @ $14.00/hr (min wage). That's 23.4 weeks @40 hrs/week!
Comparison, based on income
Homes are 2-3x as expensive as 50 years ago.
Milk is on par.
Eggs are a little more expensive, but not bad except when one considers they were still <$1.00/dozen until Biden took office...
Gas should be $1.00/gallon, but the government keeps getting in the way.
Bread is ridiculously expensive - again see the price of gas
Tuition has gone up more than 10x in relative expense compared to 50 years ago. Much of this can be directly attributed to government subsidies, etc.
Still doesn't mean that I should be paying someone else's bills.
Trained By Kissinger himself.
How we handled WWI created WWII
How we handled WWII created 3/4 of the wars and problems/conflicts in the world.
And now, with corruption so deep that jury trials are riggable (see Roger Stones Jury Selection Results)... And crooked judges don't recuse themselves and violate/stretch the law to get a desired political outcome...
All controlled by the same group of NGOs that OUR GOVERNMENT FUNDED!
Now... That's a Hmmm...
#PrussiaGate has provided significant evidence that the invisible enemy currently utilizes the realm of international law, controlling nations via various treaties and agreements. International law is the realm of corporate law, civil law and statutes, meaning that mandates are offered, inviting nations into agreement. Generally speaking, it is only with the agreement of two parties, that mandates become legal.
Most major treaties on earth were signed during a war, or soon after. In this context, they appear to be peace treaties, however if you look carefully, you’ll see they are cleverly crafted trade agreements. Essentially, the war was postponed, provided that all parties agreed to act in accordance with the treaty. While these treaties could be wide-ranging in scope, the major provisions during the Great Wars related to the use of certain seas and ports. Treaties are often revised, but usually within the context of the one that preceded it. The means that a partial war-time context still exists within the world.
#PrussiaGate has shown how the establishment of the US Federal Reserve played a significant role during WWI. General Smedley Butler pointed out the enormous profits made by American corporations during the war. American and German corporations then built a staggering amount of wealth in the following decades. We have highlighted the role central banks play in controlling nations, via national debt. This context has resulted in a form of debt slavery, where behavior can be controlled, ensuring humanity is in a form of captivity.
Understanding debt slavery requires an understanding of central banking. Understanding central banking requires an understanding of trade. Understanding trade requires an understanding of merchants. Part 1 of this series will take you on a deep dive into the origins of trade, as we further understand the hold that Prussian ideology has on the earth.
now mosey on over to IN THE MEME TYME
Maybe your BW will # you...
The three vax types - saline, mRNA, mRNA+ cancer... and still, I want to see a picture showing the body of one of these bureaucrats in a dumpster. Maybe it's time for me to come out of retirement. Seriously. If there has been such widespread damage by so-called 'public health experts' -- is there no relative of someone dead as a result of the deadly-use-of-force inflicted by the bureaucrats that this relative does not enact some very overt form of retribution? My parents and friends are fine -- through the plandemic and afterwards. Perhaps I just need a little more in the form of catalyst -- lockdowns part 2 in context of 'climate change?' Please, just one body in a dumpster or hanging from a rope -- no note, no manifesto. Just a naked swinging body.