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  • Posted by $ 2 years, 6 months ago
    Note that this is in reference to the Halyna Hutchins shooting during the Rust movie production.

    According to recent FBI findings, the gun could NOT have gone off, by itself. The trigger HAD to be pulled.

    I feel bad about what happened to the guy, but for crying out loud, he needs to man up and take responsibility!

    What was it that Ayn Rand said "You can avoid reality, but you can't avoid the consequences of avoiding reality".
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    • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 6 months ago
      If I was going to feel bad, it would be for the actual victim, not the blow-hard leftist lying scum who killed the victim.
      I know someone who has worked with Baldwin and he is a jerk on his good days.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 6 months ago
        A leaked phone call of Baldwin and his daughter was very hard to listen to. He was screaming at his daughter and calling his ex the most foul language expletives the devil could imagine. This was clearly an entitled thoughtless privileged behavior.
        I have also seen him get furious with the paparazzi.
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      • Posted by $ 2 years, 6 months ago
        He's still a person, and no matter what I think of him, he deserves some level of justice in this world.

        I've often said "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy" and I've always meant it.

        And, of course I feel sympathy for Halyna Hutchins' death and her family, but it was still an accident, unless it can be proven that the gun was loaded either deliberately or criminally negligently.
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 6 months ago

      the trigger had to be at the rear of its run if the hammer had been pulled all the way back

      he could have been working the hammer

      old guns do not have the transfer bar that requires the trigger to be at the rear

      my S&W 1917 WW1 Revolver is similar, it has no transfer bar, the firing pin cannot hit the primer unless the trigger is all the way back

      but a Cowboy era revolver did not have safety features

      Wyatt Earp also shot himself when his gun fell out of his holster and hit the hammer, round went off. most people in that time only loaded 5, keeping the hammer on an empty chamber

      the REAL question, how did a live round get into the gun or was it a blank and a projectile was stuck in the barrel?

      using a blank while someone is looking into the gun is ALSO a safety issue

      no excuses, the gun was NOT checked for safety
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 6 months ago
        Some Members of the cast and crew were reported to be target shooting with it prior to the murder?
        So the were using live rounds.
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        • Posted by $ 2 years, 6 months ago
          I don't think the incident has been ruled a murder.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 6 months ago
            You are right I stated murder but might have been more accurate to state manslaughter. Just based on This…. Kim Potter found guilty of manslaughter in Daunte Wright ...https:// › 2021/12/23 › kim-potter-trial-daun...
            Dec 23, 2021 — The former Minnesota police officer mistakenly drew her firearm instead of her Taser when she fatally shot the 20-year-old Black man

            Manslaughter involves the killing of another person, but it's distinct from the crime of murder. Sometimes the line between manslaughter and murder isn't clear.
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      • Posted by $ 2 years, 6 months ago
        My wife had the same thing happen, while practicing single action drills. She thumbed the hammer back, but had her finger on the trigger at the same time. When she released the hammer, the gun fired and the hammer spur bit her hard on the thumb. It was years before I would get her to shoot, again.

        As for that live round (or rounds), I've always thought it was sabotage by the mutinying crew, but will have to hold that judgement for actual proof.

        As for safety checks...sabotage can circumvent even the safest procedures.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 6 months ago
    I’ll give Baldwin a partial pass. He was under the assumption that the weapon was harmless. I know I know ASS U and ME. But, in this case, under these circumstances. Who pulled the trigger is a moot point. The LIVE ammo is the point. The armorer failed miserably. I think Alec is financially responsible. But the armorer is criminally responsible. Now if Baldwin KNEW there was Live Ammo on set........a whole different can of worms.
    And yes I am biased in that I think they are both woke douches.
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    • Posted by hm3buzz 2 years, 6 months ago
      He gets NO pass because he violated the first rule of firearm safety! Always ASS U ME the firearm is loaded. If more Hollywood elite actors took the time to learn the basics, less accidents would happen. If not, don't pick up a gun and don't DARE try to infringe on the Second Amendment.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 6 months ago
    Let's see....what was the first thing I learned about guns? Don't point them at somebody all the time? No...Point them at somebody once in a while? No...Oh...that's right! Don't ever point them at somebody unless you intend to kill them. That's right...
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  • Posted by $ 2 years, 6 months ago
    This discussion has gone a bit off the rails. My opinion, likely to offend some, is as follows:

    1. According to reports, the armorer is likely not at fault, because the gun was left, unattended, on a table AFTER she inspected it.
    2. A Hollywood actor, who can reasonably assume that ALL props are safe to operate, can not be expected to reinspect every item he or she uses on the set. Many actors wouldn't even know what to look for.
    3. Unsubstantiated rumors, like the one claiming the crew used the gun for earlier target practice, are irrelevant.
    4. Dislike of a person is irrelevant.

    To me, this is the place for objectivity, reason and logic and I stand by my comments on that basis.

    "When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit." - Ayn Rand
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    • Posted by TheRealBill 2 years, 6 months ago
      While I can’t say with certainty this is the case for all safety crews, the ones I know personally fully disagree with your assertion about the actor. They have pointed out that one of the main reasons you’ll see a a character pick up a gun in a scene and check it is that they train them to do that. Not to model behavior but as a safety practice.

      Furthermore all gun safety rules everywhere include the rule of assuming a weapon is loaded until proven otherwise and validating it yourself. In the military when we turn in weapons - even if we had no rounds - the armorer always verifies. Even though we are trained to, and range safety measures demand, fully clear a weapon before leaving the range, every recipient is expected validate the status.

      Furthermore, unless new information came out, last I knew it didn’t happen during filming a scene, it happened between takes; ie some level of goofing around. That should not be happening period.

      Under no circumstances are live rounds supposed to be on set. Yet that doesn’t relieve all handling the guns of the responsibility to exercise standard safety precautions. This case is a prime example of why.

      If an actor doesn’t know how to validate safety, they need to be instructed in it until they learn and incorporate the habit, or not allowed to handle firearms until they do. It is no different than any other occupation that includes the use of dangerous tools.
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  • Posted by GaryL 2 years, 6 months ago
    Baldwin is a star in the movie but he is also the producer of the movie. No doubt there was some very poor practices allowed during the filming and he is the fool who allowed them to happen. Live ammo in real guns??? All idiots and all guilty as far as I am concerned. Cold Gun???? Why was there even a Hot Gun on the set???
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