“Drag Race”
Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 5 months ago to Business
"Today, we have Out With Chevy – which wasn’t about the latest Chevy. And – just recently – Models of Pride – the “world’s largest free conference of LGBTQ+ youth and their allies” – sponsored in part by a car company – Toyota – which reportedly gifts more than $100,000 annually to the Los Angeles LGBT Center, which put on the freak show.
One of them on show being Dew Mi Moore – a “drag performer” who goes from zero to freak in less than six seconds. Also present was Mayhem Miller, who told the kids brought there by their parents, “When I was young, we didn’t have anything like this. . . you are going to change our future . . .”
No doubt.
Of course, all it does is embolden them. It is precisely why things have metastasized. Back in ’95, if a “Drag Performer” had appeared at a car industry press conference, it would have been dragged out the front door. It would have been inconceivable, 30 years ago, for a major car company to financially support a “Drag Race” for underage kids. It would have been mortifying to be associated with such a thing. In part because of the mortifying effect it would have had on the bottom line.
There was a time when some people would never buy a German car after the unpleasantness that went on in Germany during the war. This was unfair, because post-war Mercedes was no more guilty of post-war nasty business than Ford or GM.
But today, major car companies are involving themselves in some very nasty business. Not because they buy into it, probably. Rather, because they are afraid to be characterized (by Leftists) as not buying into it. To be accused of “racism” – or “transphobia” – for declining to become involved in actively promoting race and sex and tranny-ism.
And so they hire Diversity Officers – the latter-day corporate America equivalent of the Soviet zampolit, whose job it was to assure orthodoxy within the ranks – to mollify them. And they fund events such as Out With Chevy and “Drag Race” to let the world know just how very orthodox they have become.
The Left knows that saying no to the Left is almost impossible for corporate America and that is why the Left now controls corporate America. It is not that the Left is the majority. It is that the Left is more brazen than the majority, which generally just wants peace and will do and tolerate almost anything from the Left to secure it.
The problem with that approach, of course, is that the Left never stops pushing. Indeed, it pushes all the harder, the less the resistance. There is a lesson in that. Stopping the Left is easy as resisting it – as by refusing to live in fear of being called “phobic” about whatever the Left is trying to push.
As by saying no to it. As by not funding it."
"Today, we have Out With Chevy – which wasn’t about the latest Chevy. And – just recently – Models of Pride – the “world’s largest free conference of LGBTQ+ youth and their allies” – sponsored in part by a car company – Toyota – which reportedly gifts more than $100,000 annually to the Los Angeles LGBT Center, which put on the freak show.
One of them on show being Dew Mi Moore – a “drag performer” who goes from zero to freak in less than six seconds. Also present was Mayhem Miller, who told the kids brought there by their parents, “When I was young, we didn’t have anything like this. . . you are going to change our future . . .”
No doubt.
Of course, all it does is embolden them. It is precisely why things have metastasized. Back in ’95, if a “Drag Performer” had appeared at a car industry press conference, it would have been dragged out the front door. It would have been inconceivable, 30 years ago, for a major car company to financially support a “Drag Race” for underage kids. It would have been mortifying to be associated with such a thing. In part because of the mortifying effect it would have had on the bottom line.
There was a time when some people would never buy a German car after the unpleasantness that went on in Germany during the war. This was unfair, because post-war Mercedes was no more guilty of post-war nasty business than Ford or GM.
But today, major car companies are involving themselves in some very nasty business. Not because they buy into it, probably. Rather, because they are afraid to be characterized (by Leftists) as not buying into it. To be accused of “racism” – or “transphobia” – for declining to become involved in actively promoting race and sex and tranny-ism.
And so they hire Diversity Officers – the latter-day corporate America equivalent of the Soviet zampolit, whose job it was to assure orthodoxy within the ranks – to mollify them. And they fund events such as Out With Chevy and “Drag Race” to let the world know just how very orthodox they have become.
The Left knows that saying no to the Left is almost impossible for corporate America and that is why the Left now controls corporate America. It is not that the Left is the majority. It is that the Left is more brazen than the majority, which generally just wants peace and will do and tolerate almost anything from the Left to secure it.
The problem with that approach, of course, is that the Left never stops pushing. Indeed, it pushes all the harder, the less the resistance. There is a lesson in that. Stopping the Left is easy as resisting it – as by refusing to live in fear of being called “phobic” about whatever the Left is trying to push.
As by saying no to it. As by not funding it."
“ There was a time when some people would never buy a German car after the unpleasantness that went on in Germany during the war. This was unfair, because post-war Mercedes was no more guilty of post-war nasty business than Ford or GM.”
These industrialists funded the NAZIS in WWII and today they fund the NeoNazis.
how are these clowns going to survive?
(not that i really care, unless them come my way to take what i have for my family and friends)