We need a Totalitarian Group in Charge of our Government!
Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 6 months ago to Politics
Hear me out. This is a radical idea. I am trying to think outside the box.
The problem with our government (and most) is they end up with all of the power, and are ultimately self-policing.
In the current rendition, we cannot week out the corruption, and the bent judges (Funny how Mr. Pelosi gets the EXACT Judge he would need to win his case, yet Mr. Stone gets a Jury that could find him guilty without showing up!)
So, what we need is a totalitarian control group that sits over:
1) All of our elected Officials
2) All of the Media
3) Any Large Organizations who works to support/aid/assist our elected officials (K-Street through to Google, big tech)
4) Every Government Agency
5) All Contractors working for Government Agencies
6) Any company taking money on behalf of the government to spy on people, etc.
Their Job is to prevent the Government/Media/Companies from violating the rights of the citizens.
(ie, forced vaccinations, forced shutdowns, FAKE NEWS, GRAFT and CORRUPTION).
They get 3 tools to deal with violations:
1) The can expel the person(s) from all Public Service and Sentence them to Serve Time. (minor missteps)
2) They can EXECUTE the offender (Lying to the public, Self-Dealing (Biden's), Graft, Quid-Pro-Quo, etc)
3) They can ERADICATE the offender (this is executing them, and their entire genetic downline)
Again, the Totalitarians ARE ONLY to monitor the government and their allies to protect the citizens.
Remember a Government that is AFRAID of their citizens will be a better government.
Because a government that keeps their citizens in Fear is Tyranny!
This is an Inversion of Control concept. And Congress can propose that the current group running that be replaced, and it goes to the general electorate to agree/disagree.
Furthermore, if congress can show that the totalitarians are corrupt, then they are executed and new ones brought in.
It might sound like I am a little fed up with our current system of 2-tier justice and corruption...
You would be right.
How could we address it? First ,we have to make our government officials accountable in ways that would have them QUAKING in the boots to do 1/1000th of what they are doing today!
The problem with our government (and most) is they end up with all of the power, and are ultimately self-policing.
In the current rendition, we cannot week out the corruption, and the bent judges (Funny how Mr. Pelosi gets the EXACT Judge he would need to win his case, yet Mr. Stone gets a Jury that could find him guilty without showing up!)
So, what we need is a totalitarian control group that sits over:
1) All of our elected Officials
2) All of the Media
3) Any Large Organizations who works to support/aid/assist our elected officials (K-Street through to Google, big tech)
4) Every Government Agency
5) All Contractors working for Government Agencies
6) Any company taking money on behalf of the government to spy on people, etc.
Their Job is to prevent the Government/Media/Companies from violating the rights of the citizens.
(ie, forced vaccinations, forced shutdowns, FAKE NEWS, GRAFT and CORRUPTION).
They get 3 tools to deal with violations:
1) The can expel the person(s) from all Public Service and Sentence them to Serve Time. (minor missteps)
2) They can EXECUTE the offender (Lying to the public, Self-Dealing (Biden's), Graft, Quid-Pro-Quo, etc)
3) They can ERADICATE the offender (this is executing them, and their entire genetic downline)
Again, the Totalitarians ARE ONLY to monitor the government and their allies to protect the citizens.
Remember a Government that is AFRAID of their citizens will be a better government.
Because a government that keeps their citizens in Fear is Tyranny!
This is an Inversion of Control concept. And Congress can propose that the current group running that be replaced, and it goes to the general electorate to agree/disagree.
Furthermore, if congress can show that the totalitarians are corrupt, then they are executed and new ones brought in.
It might sound like I am a little fed up with our current system of 2-tier justice and corruption...
You would be right.
How could we address it? First ,we have to make our government officials accountable in ways that would have them QUAKING in the boots to do 1/1000th of what they are doing today!
I think that's just an extra layer of power to be bought or blackmailed.
Then they conspire with the con-gress and we are back where we started.
imo, the only way to stop a central government is to never give them power,
or in this case, to take back the power that the feds should never have acquired.
No one can be trusted with great power.
Distribute the limited power to so many competing areas that conspiracy
becomes arithmetically improbable.
That was the advantage of the Articles of Confederation,
but it had faults as well in dealing with other countries.
and we need to end the public unions
Also, they are subjected to the same rules if they are bought or blackmailed.
Finally, I challenge you to show me a dictator who caved to blackmail? Saddam? LOL. Not a chance. No self-respecting Tyrant who has the authority to execute you for such a thing, would skimp on that chance.
The challenge really is... WHO policies THEM.
When They have EVERY Lever of Power AND the ability to LIE, CHEAT and STEAL with impunity!
imo, there already is a tyrant (or tyrannical conspiracy) above the con-gress and bureaucracy.
In practical terms, how do you propose to put another one to control the government in place?
Then, in practical terms, how do you propose to control them?
I don't see your plan as described as a solution.
That's why I sarcastically said 'benevolent'.
If the one with power isn't benevolent, then we would be creating conditions for an even worse tyranny.
No one can be trusted with great power.
You would think that distrust of the press would lead to loss of customers, but there are enough lemmings to keep them going and spreading misleading stories. I think the 'education' system is largely at fault for that.
Then it's not up to the humans.
You all best wrap your noodles around this idea. Because, like it or not, it’s coming. And has been for quite some time.
Good post Kirk.
The ONE glimmer of hope for "Sci Fi" Future was the realization that these positions are being DRIVEN because of bets placed that we will get there. Nobody wants to lose their bets. And NOBODY really wants whats coming. The elites would not want it if they truly understood they will become slaves to it, as well...
There is a GLIMMER of hope, that we figure out how to work together, and only use force when appropriate... As we strive for greater independence.
But even Star Trek does not lack villains!
Even then I may copy John Galt and say I do not want to be in that.
The best, partial, solution is to reduce the range and powers of government so there is less scope and attraction for power and wealth seekers.
Another thought, would you appoint Putin? It may be fair to say that overall his record is broadly in line with the interests and aspirations of the Russian state and people. Most would think there are serious deficiencies in what I call governance aspects.