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  • Posted by johnmahler 10 years, 5 months ago
    This is the beginning of data collection with Cryostat. We are witnessing a natural cycle related to solar activity. In 150 years these same ilk of scientists will be reverse their prognostications and proclaim the impending sub cooling of the earth as proved by solar cycle reversal and thickening Antarctic ice. This so called science is Biosphere hypochondria.
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  • Posted by preimert1 10 years, 5 months ago
    Well, I know that several gulchers have opined in the recent past that global warming is a myth perpetrated by the Obama administration and the UN, so what could possibly be causing this ice loss?
    Perhaps the satellite data is suspect?
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
      Global Warming is a myth PERPETUATED, not perpetrated by the Obama administration. The hoax goes back decades, and was preceded by a global cooling hoax.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 10 years, 5 months ago
      I blame Mama Nature. The climate is always in a process of change. Think dinosaurs and wooly mammoths. The only change Obama will wreck by damaging the coal and coal power industry is job loss. And in Obama's own words,"Electricity will necessary skyrocket."
      EcoNazis rejoice!
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 10 years, 5 months ago
      Do Gulchers really question global warming, or more the contribution of humans to it?

      Faking satellite data is like faking the moon landing, not very likely?
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      • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 5 months ago
        I would not phrase it that way, Thoritsu, but in a nutshell the answer is "Yes". I would myself phrase it that CO2 is a greenhouse gas but that the contribution of humans to climate is comparable to 'pissing in the ocean'...technically, this increases sea level. Practically speaking...

        Here is a good article from this Sunday past:


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        • Posted by Bobhummel 10 years, 5 months ago
          Atmospheric water vapor is responsible for approximately 95% of all green house effects on our global climates. And there is nothing mankind can do about its effects since 70% of the earths surface is cover in H2O. Climate Change, even in its current "Paused" state, is just an attempt to control individuals and destroy free market capitalism. Period. It is a fraud.
          Great analogy of pissing in the ocean, Jan. It already has 96% of all the earths water already in there.
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          • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 5 months ago
            Bobhummel -

            I so agree. Global Warming is a control agenda, not a scientific theory. And it has been soooo working. (Though there are now indications that the facade is crumbling.)

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            • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 5 months ago
              And, the sooner it crumbles completely the better for almost everyone. Oh yeah, except for the fraudsters who are making money off of the hype.
              The religion of "man caused" global warming is close akin to the sacrifice of virgins to bring on rain in ancient cultures.
              Jan, love the analogy of pissing in the ocean. You have such a way with words. Luv it.
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              • Posted by $ jlc 10 years, 5 months ago
                Thank you, RevJay. I have an ongoing disagreement with some of my (like minded) friends: I want the 'crash' to happen ASAP, because the sooner it does occur the more resources we have to deal with it. They want it to happen as much later as possible so that there is as much an opportunity for technological progress and 'good luck' to occur to mitigate it. I can see their point, but I fear that the determining factor in our rebound will be the social/psychological culture we have in place when the crash occurs - which will be less subject to tech mitigation.

                Be free to use the metaphor as you see fit - enjoy.

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      • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 5 months ago
        Here is an excerpt from Kicking the Sacred Cow by John Hogan (his book on politics and funding in "science"):
        This, then, defines the notorious "greenhouse gases" that are going to stifle the planet. The one that
        gets all the publicity is carbon dioxide, which human activities generate in five main ways: making cement
        (CO2being driven out of the limestone used in the process); breathing; rearing animals; using wood
        (which once harvested, eventually decomposes one way or another); and burning fossil fuels. This
        translates into the release of about 3 million liters on average of CO2per human per year, for a grand
        yearly total of 1.6 x 1016liters, or 30 billion tonnes.144(1 tonne = a "metric ton" = 1,000 kilograms =
        0.984 ton.) The other gases, while present in smaller amounts, have a greater relative absorptive
        capacity that ranges from fifty-eight times that of CO2in the case of methane to several thousand for
        CFCs, and the amounts of them have been increasing.
        This all sounds like something that should indeed be a cause for concern, until it's realized that the
        atmosphere contains something like 1,800 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide already from such sources as
        volcanoes, the outgassing of oceans, and the natural functioning of the biosphere. In other words, all of
        human activity adds less than two percent to the gases that nature puts out anyway. And then it turns out
        that all of these gases put together add up to a minor player, for the greatest contributor by far is water
        vapor. Although the exact figure varies from place to place and season to season, water vapor is
        typically present at ten times the concentration of carbon dioxide; further, it is active across the whole
        infrared range, whereas heat absorption by CO2is confined to two narrow bands. Without this natural
        greenhouse mechanism, the Earth would be about 33oC cooler than it is, which would mean permanent
        ice at the equator. Estimates of the contribution of water vapor vary from 95 to 99 percent, thereby
        accounting for somewhere around 32oC of this. The remaining one degree is due to other gases. The effects of all of human activity are in the order of two percent of this latter figure. But, of course, you
        can't put a tax on water vapor or lambaste your favorite industrial villains for producing it, and so water
        vapor never gets mentioned in the polemics. Even professionals uncritically buy the publicized line. An
        astronomer reports that in an impromptu survey, six out of ten of her fellow astronomers replied "carbon
        dioxide" when asked what was the major greenhouse gas.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 10 years, 5 months ago
    It's sad this controversy doesn't stop. The so-called president of ours has made such an issue that it has shuttered the alot of the coal mines and put miners out of work. BHO has no idea that you need coal to make Steel. It can be converted into oil, gasoline and other polymer based products. At one time it was estimated that with Coal that the USA had five hundred years of energy reserves. If BHO is so concerned about global warming why isn't there Solar Electric and Hot Water Systems on the roof of the Whitehouse. The Beast Limo should have been turned into a hybrid powered vehicle.
    Ait Force One should be running on vegatable oil. BHO is a hypocrite. Anyway, he has a mental deficent and mental illness going on too!
    Humans and industry only cause a .100th of a percent of any climate changes, Live in a solar system with a variable star. There are so many events that effect climate. I don't read about City Heat Island Effect. I'm surprised that BHO doen't have us painting all the buildings and roadways Green!
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 10 years, 5 months ago
    This has been bullshit for a long time now. See The average temperatures are not remotely increased enough to be a real threat to this ice. As a matter of fact it is a very large embarrassment to the climate catastrophe folks that the average temperature change in the last 13 years is almost non-existent and and an order of magnitude lower than predicted.

    This stuff obviously is not about any real climate catastrophe at all.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 5 months ago
    Up until recently, the Antarctic ice was growing. Now it is melting. At its present rate it might raise the sea levels by a few centimeters before it starts to grow again. So...WTH? However, watch the Eco-Freak Express turn it into an imminent global disaster.
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