Victor Davis Hanson: 'Civil War' Porn | ZeroHedge

Posted by deleted 2 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Are we really headed for a 'Civil War' ? Or is it the usual attention-getting amplification of the media?

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 6 months ago
    I don't know about a 'Civil War' but people are about to run out of patience. Now Biden wants us to go to 'Biden Bucks'. Baloney. Leave us alone. Every thing he touches turns to 'you know what'. N
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 6 months ago
    On my Forward Observer email I see these reports of Conservative Groups protesting Progressive Policy in cities like San Francisco of all places. And of course the far left is there to counter protest. I just wonder WHY bother. Just like all the trucker protests. Don’t go to Ottawa or DC and become a target for a false flag. JUST STAY HOME. It’s way cheaper. And what the hell are THEY going to do about it? Imagine if the Canadian Truckers had organized a “Go Fund Me” to just NOT DRIVE. As the store shelves started to empty out what was Go Fund Me going to do about it? Call them terrorists for doing what the government paid everyone else to do for two years?
    We don’t need a hot Civil War. Just Go Galt!
    The Democrats have several demographics that are going to eat them alive once the welfare starts drying up.
    Why on earth would I want to delay that?
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    • Posted by 2 years, 6 months ago
      A silent protest could be more violent than the typical one. Imagine if all the oil tycoons stopped pumping it like Dannager. Or if all the fresh produce stopped flowing out of California, or if the grain belt stopped shipping out grain...IF the drought in the Southwest doesn't abate that could happen anyway. But even after California is a 120ºF desert, Pelosi's grape vineyards will still have plenty of water.
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