An Open Letter to The Producers and Makers of The Atlas Shrugged Movies.

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 5 months ago to Movies
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Today, the third installment of your film adaptation will be shown in theaters across the country.

You, I, and many other people on this board are savvy enough to the Marxists' game of fear, uncertainty, doubt, and agitprop to know what comes next: the savaging.
E.g.: as I write this, the http://IMDB.com page for “Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt?” displays a section labeled “People who liked this also liked...” which features the documentary “I Am Eleven” - “The lives and thoughts of children from all around the world. It weaves together deeply personal and at times hilarious portraits of what it means to stand on the cusp between childhood and adolescence.”

I was at the Las Vegas premiere.
I saw the movie twice.
While I was there, a thought occurred to me.
The same thought has likely occurred to you as well, but I wanted to make it plain.

It is finished.

Let me repeat this, because it is important, and it is powerful.

It is finished.

With this third installment, the story of Atlas Shrugged has been told– a story which Hollywood and our Ruling Class Marxists did not want to be told, especially on film.

Despite their best efforts to stand in your way, you have built your John Galt Line... to the benefit of us all.

And likewise, their reaction to this last film will be the reaction of Atlas Shrugged's looters to Rearden Metal: its value is irrelevant because it poses a social danger to them.

So, when the savaging begins, and it will begin, please accept it as a badge of honor: anything that our Marxist Ruling Class feels that they must destroy must have some value.

I am confident that, as with the novel itself, as time passes, this value will be recognized.
Your trilogy will remain a part of the Atlas Shrugged legacy for years to come.

It has been my distinct pleasure, honor, and privilege to be a member of these boards since they first went on line, before the making of Atlas Shrugged Part One.

In that time I have learned that there are Midas Mulligans who are willing to finance The Gulch, and that there are Producers of every stripe who see enough value in it to offer their best effort in fair trade.

Thank you for the investment you have made.

I feel humbled that in some small way, it was an investment in me.

Rick Poach

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  • 19
    Posted by $ JohnAglialoro 10 years, 5 months ago
    Fellow Gulchers.

    As I sit here reflecting, your comments have brought a tear to my eye. I wish to express gratitude to you for your loyalty to Rand, to her work and to your support of this film trilogy after 22 years of effort. What we do and what we think is noble and, in time, will change the world for the better.

    Thank you.

    John Aglialoro
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    • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 5 months ago
      Hello John,
      I take my hat off to you and Mr. Kaslow.
      I cannot express my gratitude adequately for what you have done. I wish you both the greatest success and happiness life can bring!
      I so look forward to viewing the fruits of your labor this evening. I'm sure I will not be disappointed.
      Best wishes,
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    • Posted by richkinley 10 years, 5 months ago
      John, thank you for the blood, sweat, and tears you put into this project. In my own small way, I've tried to do my part to drum up more viewership. When AS2 was released, at least a dozen coworkers went to see it, though they had not read the book. Their curiosity was piqued by the posters in my office, as well as the 5-6 polos I wore to work with an Atlas theme.

      This week has been amazing! I started a new job with a young man who served two tours in Iraq. He had never heard of AS, but we had a great discussion, and I lent him copies of the first two parts. At about 9:30 last night, he texted me with "Who is John Galt?" I immediately responded with Dagny in mind: "We are John Galt!"

      If I leave just one legacy, it will be my youngest son, who has the potential to be a true Renaissance Man. You can catch a glimpse of him, with my grandson & I at about 23:08 of the "I am John Galt" video upload on AS1.

      I'm looking forward to a 20+ episode miniseries, that will allow you to expand on the characters and message of Atlas Shrugged. My most sincere thanks to you for what you've done for us.
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  • 12
    Posted by coaldigger 10 years, 5 months ago
    At 12:20 today I will be sitting in a multiplex cinema that has allowed this film to be shown on one of their 16 screens. At the first AS film I bought tickets in advance, traveled over 50 miles and arrived over an hour early fearing the long lines and the stampede for a desirable seat. We sat with maybe 10 other people that clapped at the end but were otherwise pretty passive. The second time we found a theater a bit closer, 15 miles, still bought tickets in advance and shared the experience with perhaps 20 people. Today, the showing will be in our town, 8 miles from our house and I will just buy a ticket when I get there a few minutes before showtime. If there would be a crowd and I had to wait or sit in the back, I would rejoice but I doubt it will be a problem.

    I feel the quality of the films have been excellent considering their budget. The producers have been true to the meaning and spirit of the book for which I am grateful. The acting has been very good and the different actors playing the characters has had a good effect of not replacing our own imagined visions of the people we have read about.

    The problem is the message, bitter medicine to the leaches, looters and cronies. If you eliminate all the people that the message of Atlas Shrugged makes uncomfortable, how big of an audience is left? The hope is that the young, that aren't any of those things yet will be exposed to the message, read the book and join in the movement that will save the US, the best chance individual freedom has ever had.

    I expect to sit with my wife of 51 years, with my son, the owner of Fountainhead Irrigation, Inc. and maybe another couple dozen souls to see the concluding chapter. It is a great thing that has been done but any effects may come slowly. When I first read the book almost 50 years ago, I thought it had to change the world and was dismayed that it didn't. It still may but I think it is going to be very painful.
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    • Posted by slfisher 10 years, 5 months ago
      Yes, even in my part of Idaho, it's only being shown on one screen in one theater. Sigh.
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      • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 5 months ago
        At least you have one. Our closest is a three hour drive away and sadly, right now my health won't let me do a 8 or 9 hour day in my wheelchair. So I've got to wait until it hits the DVD outlets before I get to see it.

        In any event, I wish all the best to all who were involved in this epic adventure. It's been a joy to contribute my small piece of the franchise as I've bought memorabilia, tickets and copies of the movies. I can't wait to add ASIII to the rest of my collection.
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    • Posted by coaldigger 10 years, 5 months ago
      Follow up. I am back from the showing. Besides a coaldigger, a nice lady and Mr. Fountainhead there were 5 others in the audience. There was no interaction (perhaps a bunch of individualists) but there was still a sense of bonding with people watching at midday on a Friday.

      This film is very well done. The condensed John Gault speech did not disappoint. I am so glad that this trilogy was completed and await the DVD of Part III. Thank you again.
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  • Posted by $ HarmonKaslow 10 years, 5 months ago
    Rick ... one of the great joys of this project has been meeting people, like you, that have enormous passion for Atlas Shrugged and its message. I'm honored that you're "here" ... for being a part of what we're doing ... and for being an active and productive member of this community.
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  • Posted by kathywiso 10 years, 5 months ago
    Thanks Euda, I can't wait to see it again, looking for your bread :-)

    A toast, "To those who know what is coming, to those who stand on the premise of true Freedom, to those who have added the most meaning to our lives, to Ayn Rand for writing what we already knew but didn't put together...to the value of true friendship...respect and honor to those who walk in her path and know that A=A and Who John Galt is and why he is our hero. To The Gulch for having a forum that we can congregate to discuss those things that absolutely drive us crazy in the real world. To Capitalism !!!"
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years, 5 months ago
    This Sunday, My wife and I, and the rest of our family and (some) friends will be in the audience. The fact that there are people who are willing to risk financing such a huge endeavor gives me the kind of emotions I have rarely had the opportunity to feel.Words are not adequate to express this drink of cool water while traversing a very arid desert.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 10 years, 5 months ago
    Thank you for the well written letter. You have expressed my thoughts and that of many others -- both here in The Gulch as well as the many individuals that have yet to be exposed to Rand's philosophy / works.

    I have been thinking - while reading these posts / articles in The Gulch -- we are essentially preaching to the choir here -- in this forum, we find a safe place to share our respect / differences / observations regarding Rand, Objectivism, current events, etc... However, I think that we can act and write in ways that can be beneficial in bringing Rand's message to millions of people, just as her writing / lectures have done.

    Consider the posts on IMDB (regarding the AS films), as well as any of your mainstream media (liberal / progressive) sites: HuffPo, DailyKos, Democracy Now!, FB: The Coffee Party Movement, Amazon [in the context of Rand's books], YouTube commentaries on Rand, etc. Many of the posts denigrate Rand (ad hominem), distort the Objectivist philosophy (fraud) and express outright hatred toward individualism. I propose the following: that we, as individuals, "find a home" so-to-speak, on these sundry media outlets -- and debate, correct and otherwise inform those people that are spreading misinformation regarding Rand / Objectivism. I do not believe that we will convince many of the vitriolic and childish posters to change their thoughts or see things from a different perspective. However, for every individual that posts, there are many more that simply read the exchanges and form their own opinions. There are now over a hundred active members here in The Gulch. If we were to voluntarily (obviously) "sign up" to moderate / respond to the negativity and ignorance posted on these sites, I think we could further affect an awakening among the general population. I want to keep The Gulch alive and flourishing long after the release of the AS films.

    Does this idea have merit? Is there some means -- here in The Gulch -- for us to create a Sub-Forum where we can maintain a "sign up list" that would match individual Gulchers to specific sites for moderation? We could share our thoughts and observations on what works and how to improve our outreach. As for me, I will be commenting on YouTube critiques of Rand / Objectivism / AS. I also will chime on on the Facebook - Coffee Party Movement page and the IMDB commentaries.

    Thanks for your attention and consideration.
    Patrick D. Grengs II / West Richland, WA
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    • Posted by desimarie23 10 years, 5 months ago
      I like the idea, I think some of us may (very likely) already do this so I'm sure there is a group of us that might like to contribute. I've been on Google+ nearly everyday discussing and posting with some growing interests. My objective isn't to change anyone's opinions, but to ask them to check their premise--most of the negative comments are contradictory. I also find that there are people that dislike Rand without understanding her philosophy. Education is important. If there is a way to organize a group, I'm in.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 5 months ago
    I've endured such savaging all my life. Only when I read AS did I understand why that might be.
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    • Posted by $ Old4WDGuy 10 years, 5 months ago
      I've been through a similar experience. I wished I had read or really known anything about Ayn Rand or AS as a youth. It would have helped a lot more than most of the regurgitated education I got through HS with the exception of Auto Mechanics.
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      • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 5 months ago
        Yes, and I notice that no high school today teaches either shop or home economics. Even if you allow that maybe a school should offer each as an elective to boy or girl alike, leaving that out leaves kids without valuable skills. Which is why, when a motorist gets stranded today, he cannot survive unless he can summon aid.

        All this is part of the larger problem with schooling today: it teaches too much interdependence and not enough independence.
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        • Posted by $ Old4WDGuy 10 years, 5 months ago
          If I were in charge of a high school or a school district, one class I would implement would be a class called "daily life skills" or something similar.

          Think of it is a merge of home ec, auto shop, maybe ag class, and some kind of internship out in the real world. A mandatory class for graduation, no exceptions. No academic types in charge either. I would go for successful people to teach it.

          The idea would be to give people some idea of how every day things work and handle normal stuff on their own.

          I hate the idea of being dependent on others for day to day things and minor problems. I grew up around it.
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  • Posted by KarenMollett 10 years, 5 months ago
    I read "Fountainhead" when I was nine. That was when I realized I wasn't crazy not matter what my parents, church leaders, or teachers thought.

    Did that make my life any easier...of course not.

    I first read "Atlas Shrugged" when I was 11.

    That was when I figured out that to be true to my nature, I had to accept that (to the extent life allows) I am John Galt.

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  • Posted by rjkford 10 years, 5 months ago
    Euda and coaldigger, nicely and powerfully said. Tonight, at 7:40 pm my wife and I, in Galt regalia, will be at MJR Sterling Hts., MI hoping to have to put up with a crowd. We also had the disappointment, at 1 & 2, of a sparse crowd to share the preview of the possible future of our wonderful country. We are hoping and praying, yes praying, that the mini-series rumors come to fruition. A 10 part tv series would reach a audience that doesn't seem to read much. Other than the downer stuff, kudos to those that worked so hard to make this happen and to those that are going tonight and the following days, turn off your cells and enjoy the show! I know my wife and I will. See ya at the show!
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 10 years, 5 months ago
    Excellent letter. Well said on all counts.

    I've already purchased tickets to see it back-to-back tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon.

    Like most of the rest of this group, I've been anxiously waiting 18 months for this day to come. I think my wife is as glad as I am that this weekend is finally here; I've probably driven her crazy talking about it.

    I can't wait for 2:25 tomorrow afternoon to get here.
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  • Posted by 2Pipes788 10 years, 5 months ago
    To Euda and all the others who commented so far, I think each of you have said the same thing in your own way. Atlas Shrugged is very personal to each of us and we all have the same convictions for our lives as well as our country. I feel like I am watching AS unfolding before me chapter by chapter everyday that I hear the news. As for the third AS movie, I could not find a theater to even go see AS I and AS 2. While sitting in my local theater about two months ago, you can only imagine my surprise when an ad for "Who is John Galt" was on the screen. I almost fell out of my seat screaming silently with great joy and hope. My husband and I will go tomorrow to see it and will also purchase the DVD. I have been reading AS again to get ready for today. To everyone who has been involved with getting this truth on the screen, I give you a heartfelt thanks. The words Euda wrote, "It is finished", were said 2,000 years ago and ignited a movement that spread throughout the world and remains to this day. Evil can not stand when decent, responsible people refuse to allow it to become the norm in this world. It is up to us to keep pushing the message that Any Rand put into words in her book. I close with the same statement Euda shared, this effort was an investment in me.
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  • Posted by BJ_Cassese 10 years, 5 months ago
    This release is so important to so many. Hopefully, enough people see it and begin to learn what actual thought is. I have been wearing "A=A" and "Who is John Galt" tshirts for weeks, using them as conversation starters. Can't wait to enjoy this film in a few hours.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years, 5 months ago
    Greetings Friends,
    I too would like to express my gratitude to all who have had a part in producing and promoting this effort. To those of you who live the life, spread the word and those who have contributed in other ways, I salute you. It is not always easy, for their are many enemies of reason and Liberty, but you should hold your head up and be proud!
    "To be, or not to be: that is the question:
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    And by opposing end them?" The Bard.
    One day soon, I hope to see the day when we shall end them and once again live the life of Liberty that was our natural right, formed, fought for and promised by our founders.
    Never give up the fight for right!
    Best Regards,
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years, 5 months ago
    Like some others, I have had to travel distances to see the movies. One, I saw this in Albuquerque (4 hours away) at a big cineplex that was showing on one screen with maybe 100 others. Two, it was showing in Lubbock (1.5 hours) and since this is flyover country, it had probably around 300 or so at the showing I went to. This one, I hope will be showing more than one week, as I am tied up at work and cannot travel very far from the facility through the weekend. I am hoping, as I have to go to Albuquerque next weekend, that it is still showing and I can go see it. I missed Las Vegas as I could not get away, but I was there in spirit with you all. I sort of wish the movie would continue, I am afraid that the incentive will disappear after this one. I know I will be here and I hope that all will agree. It has been fun, I am proudly a Producer and I am also a KickStarter contributor ( I proudly wear my t-shirt). Best to all and let's keep the ideal going.
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  • Posted by $ Maree 10 years, 5 months ago
    Superb letter Euda and it rates with Kathy's Toast and all the expressions of excellence on this thread.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the 30 minute segment on Youtube.

    BTW I am off to Sabah this week - ref my post under For Sale - despite recent advisories not to travel there due to kidnappings. (on the coast, we're up on Mt Kinabalu) Back here mid-October.
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  • Posted by sydney 10 years, 5 months ago
    Thank you Eudaimonia for saying all that I feel, too. Thank you Mr. A and Mr. K, and all who made all AS movies possible. Who's better than you? NOBODY! hah! ya'll are the best!
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