Remember When Biden Said He'd Get a Disease and Resign?
Posted by deleted 2 years, 7 months ago to Politics
The most interesting part about this video is Kamala's body language. When Joe has a short circuit, stutters and starts telling the truth, Kamala starts wagging her head as if to say "No no no Joe don't say that." Then the wires connect and he starts lying again and she starts nodding as if to say "Yes yes yes good Joe back on to the lying message." She was obviously one of his handlers then. Obviously the handler crew had discussed how to make Kamala President in the presence of Delaware's Finest and the idiot spilled the beans. Or am I reading too much into this?
(But he should be executed for treason instead of stepping down.)
That would leave one member of con-gress, very few lobbyists, and a small percentage of the bureaucracy. Many state level pols would join the necktie party, too. (Lots of new jobs for jurors, undertakers and grave diggers.)
That one member of con-gress could then be sworn in as POTUS. His first act would be to ban all voting machines, mail in ballots, and vote drop boxes so a fair count could be likely in the next election. His second act would be to disband all political parties and declare an emergency ban on campaign contributions from anyone who is not a registered voter (maximum $1,000 each) in the locale of the election taking place.
OK, that's never going to happen, so NIFOITOWTBS.