Shall we trade Value for Value to build a Dream?

Posted by Tsul-Kalu 10 years, 5 months ago to Classifieds: Other
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People of the World, I have a dream, I am working on this dream, to publish book 1 of this series, I have done all I can on this end to raise funds to do so, I need help, So asking those to come and look this over, a Trade Value for Value, if you see one, With 24 days left to go with my 1st trial experiment with crowd funding, If only 398 people see the value at 30 bucks this will be successful. Then we can share this Unique story with the world. Some say I must hire professional crowd funding business's to spam social media for success, I am trying to succeed with out it as there are -0- funds to do so. I hope the samples of the book, will be enough, if you have questions contact me, The sample book is being created as I type this and should have it in a week, will post when it arrives. Some people can afford the big publishers, some can get loans, or other to fund their dreams, idea's. Me I must do what I can to raise the needed minimum funds, and this is it. outside of knocking on doors, lol. which may happen if needed. Fact, I wont quit, I invite you all to come,look, share, and choose to assist or not, if you chose no, then please let me know your why, as I am curious and it will be a learning moment for me. thanks.

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