Bad things are still happening in Uvalde

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 8 months ago to Government
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Speculation exercise: if I was to speculate about intent of these police offices’ actions, in Uvalde, does option 1 sound more reasonable then option two?

Because I failed to do my duty and let children die, I will continue to harass and suppress a parent that was brave enough to rescue her own children while I attempted to stop her because:

Option 1 – I want to continue to cause pain for her and the community while causing more politically bad publicity for myself and my fellow officers.

Option 2 – Because I’m afraid that investigations will uncover what I don’t want to become public.

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  • Posted by 2 years, 8 months ago
    If I was involved in a false flag operation to cause an incident to allow laws to be past to remove our freedoms, piece by piece. I wouldn’t want people talking about it ether… In fact, I would shut them down.

    The bill that just past the senate to help states enforce red flag laws is unconstitutional and removes our fourteenth amendment guaranteeing due process. Could have this law been signed into law without the incident in Uvalde?
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