THE SUN | Destroyer of Climate Science Fraud

Posted by saucerdesigner 2 years, 8 months ago to Science
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Excerpt: "...they're able to blame us for climate change because they do not properly factor in the sun, how it's activity has changed over the centuries beyond irradience and how it not only had the strongest activity in 400 years in 11-to-12 thousand years, but during that exact time Earth's magnetic shield against that energy has been dropping.
There's not one single paper in existence blaming humans for global warming which accounts for solar particles, cosmic rays, the interplanetary magnetic field and Earth's weakening magnetic field in the modern pole-shift..." ~ Ben Davidson


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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 8 months ago
    👍 Reality matters ... eventually if the rational fight to save themselves and their families, and civilization, against the irrational, brainwashed, 'useful' idiots.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 8 months ago
    Well give these libs a trophy for effort. They did figure out that the Sun is involved in this global warming trend.

    We are building a 4th generation molten sodium-cooled thorium reactor in Wyoming, it should go online in 2027. Thorium is 4 times more abundant than Uranium. It's being built in a coal mining town and the coal miners will transfer to the reactor.

    We're a little late but we're getting there.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 8 months ago
      What qualifies coal miners to run a nuclear reactor?
      Did they take the same test that qualified the Buydem pervert son as an $5 million expert on energy?

      (Glad to hear about the thorium reactor being built finally,
      but we will still need a lot of coal for the next 20 years at least.)
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      • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 8 months ago
        I don't want coal gone. It's a stupid strategy to go ALL nuclear or ALL coal or ALL solar. We need lots of energy sources to back up each other.

        Very good point. They will be building the new reactor, mostly. Some of them will receive training in how to function in a reactor, i.e. monitoring and lower level functions. They will not be taking classes in nuclear Chemistry although any that can, who are driven to succeed, will. Lots of the miners will probably, as I see it lose their jobs, unfortunately. But they have lots of time to be prepared.

        If that reactor is a success, it's hope, and it's also a good fu to the solar panel worshippers. We can replace our aging 1st generation reactors with brand new ones and have the same economic boom that Uranium reactors brought to the USA in the 50s, 60s and 70's. The whole postwar manufacturing boom came from cheap plentiful electricity. We can do it again. The Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository is nearby. Denmark has engineered plans for nuclear sites to dig into the bedrock beneath and store their own wastes. Nuclear waste is stored in bentonite, coated with concrete, and clad with copper. Each waste cylinder can be moved into the tunnels, being dug deep enough to store as much waste as the site is projected to create.
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