Joe's Economy
Anybody else watching the stock market this year? Just curious... Daily bludgeoning. We should raise interest rates to stave of the inflation (up to 30% in energy), but we can't raise them too much as we have (at least) $30T in debt...not counting unfunded mandates, of course. And, after today it should officially be a recession. Stagflation. I hope Joe is eating his Wheaties. I'm guessing the news isn't talking about any of this. It's probably all about abortion and Putin. I'm thinking this abortion ruling will be overturned the day after the election. Haha...
This economy should be the headlines at this time. This is really looking ugly. The media sets the agenda...
This economy should be the headlines at this time. This is really looking ugly. The media sets the agenda...
Chuckie Schumer was trying hard to convince us that the economy is in magnificent shape with an overlong, boring speech that ended by essentially telling us peasants we're too stupid to recognize the wonderfulness of our President. I have to wonder if any of the administration talking heads believe a word of what they're spouting themselves.
#1. No deficit spending. Period. The budget is set at the amount of actual tax/tariff revenue brought in the second year prior to the budgeted year and all Congress can do is allocate where that spending goes. (Priority of course in order #1 debt service, #2 rainy day/emergency fund, #3 national defense.) This directly ties government funding to the economy.
#2. Congressional offices and personnel are paid for by the States they respectively serve. And annual audits of all expenditures must be filed with their respective State oversight committees and preferably with open access by their constituents.
#3. No more Federally-owned or controlled land outside of Washington, D.C. All military bases must be leased from the individual States in which they reside. Ownership of all other Federal lands - including parks, monuments, forests, etc. - reverts back to the States in which they are physically located unless so designated by Constitutional Amendment. Parks such as Yellowstone which cross State boundaries are to be governed by binding compacts between the involved States to be adjudicated/arbitrated by the US Supreme Court.
Realistically, would a Republican "take over" of Congress later this year keep that from happening?
Rereading Rand's "Capitalism". Can we trust the "conservatives" to pull back on the reigns of the war machine? They are participants of our "mixed economy" also.
-- Dementia Joe
I predict that we will be in a full on kinetic war with Russia by 2025.