New book to recommend: A Twisted History of the USA, 1450-1945

Posted by BrettRocketSci 2 years, 7 months ago to History
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On this July 4th, today is the release day of a fresh take on American history that I'm happy to share and recommend: A Twisted History of the United States, 1450-1945.

Full disclosure, I am the Editor and Producer for this book. I don't have any direct financial interest in book sales but I do want the authors and the book to be as successful as possible.

The lead author is an anarcho-libertarian and history teacher who got fired from two teaching positions (one of them at a Catholic school) because he was too outspoken and independent about the curriculum (or the Pope).

On almost every page I say "wow, I didn't know that" or "wow, I should have been taught that." It's an unvarnished look at key principles, philosophies, people, and events that made our country what it is. Valuable lessons and commentary on economics and politics thrown in, from a perspective that everyone in this Gulch should appreciate and enjoy.

Happy Independence Day, and best wishes for an American lesson that I bet you'll wish you received much sooner!

(This book is also a great supplement for any kids who are getting a state-run version of US history that needs an alternative perspective.)

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