Moloch for Moderns

Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 7 months ago to Culture
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For those of you Gulchers that are atheists I suggest just reading it from a Culture War standpoint. It does an excellent job of describing the coercion that the young generations are subjected too in the school system.

I found this paragraph particularly interesting:
“ It’s worth noting how far removed these people are from the traditional concerns of the left. The woke left is totally at peace with globalization, unrestrained capitalism, powerful multinational corporations, the security state, and the oligarch class. Any leftist prior to 1980 would have screamed bloody murder about all of these things. But the woke left treats it like the Ring of Power: they are happy to welcome domination by these powerful elites, as long as the elites guarantee that they never have to worry about some white heterosexual Christian saying something that scares them. James Poulos got it right when he prophesied the coming of the Pink Police State. This is why the modern urban professional classes in Western countries can console themselves for being good leftists even while they embrace a level of inequality, exploitation, marginalization, and warmongering that they would have recoiled from in their youth.”

Un restrained Capitalism is what WE allegedly are all about. But I don’t see what’s happening as unrestrained capitalism. I see it as regulated corporatism. And I believe there is a huge difference.

This paragraph as well comments on a thought that I’ve had since the Afghanistan retreat:

“ When we went to war after 9/11, the government told us that we had to do it to protect our way of life from those who hated us, and wanted to destroy that way of life. Now we have lost two wars, and have lost that way of life. The terrorists didn’t take it from us. It was stolen from us from within.

Even further, all the time, effort, and energy that the right put into “shoring up the imperium” (MacIntyre) and supporting our foreign adventurism would have been far better spent conserving a semblance of our traditional culture at home. Your friend Douthat got it right when he said that the collapse of the Bush administration directly foreshadowed the emergence of Obama as a liberal Reagan, and the subsequent defeat of the right on every social issue in question for the last ten to twenty years. If Republican establishment types (the kind that have learned nothing and forgotten nothing, but is prepared to launch another war, this time in Ukraine) want to know why they are so hated, there you go.”

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 7 months ago
    You're right.
    It isn't free market capitalism with reward for merit and productivity.
    It's corrupt and elitist praising only those who support the state NWO propaganda.
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