Why are the RAIL CARRIERS cutting back supplies of fuel???

Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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In that video, you can watch just the first part, he collapsed the salient points.

In a nutshell, the rail industry is reducing how much DEF and Fuel are available. And this will reduce MILLIONS of miles of travel by our truckers. This is TOTALLY PLANNED Supply chain damage.

First, they don't want pipelines. Now they squeeze you with the RAIL deliveries.

I dunno... It feels like the outcome has been choosen, and every path around that outcome will be systemically cut off.

This is either solid planning to destroy this country, or the worst luck of bad planners.

What say you?

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ixwCrRFK-I

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