Plot to murder Kavanaugh by a leftist

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 9 months ago to Culture
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This guy was upset about the pending abortion ruling and gun control, so he buys a gun. The 2nd amendment is designed to keep our government in check, just not like this. Watch out for rhetorical comments:

Why is it that gun violence is almost always carried out by someone on the left or is apolitical?

Is it because the left has more mentally unstable people?

If so, how come the left attracts more mentally unstable people?

If this was plotted by a conservative, would you think the conservative would call and repot him/herself?

Maybe the crimes are committed equally, its just that the conservatives don’t get caught?

If, at a point in the future, the conservatives are triggered, do you think the conservatives would be so poor at execution?
SOURCE URL: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/supreme-court-justice-kavanaugh-home-armed-man-arrested

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago
    Me dino would not be surprised if to attract a crazy person with a gun is the whole idea behind Schumer and other such sick and twisted trash in Congress
    telling people to break federal law by protesting (terrorizing to intimidate) Supreme Court Judges with families at their homes.
    That way, BuyMe gets to select a replacement. Maybe this time it will be Woke female Asian lady who does not know what a woman is.
    Better yet, how about a transsexual who says he is a woman? Aw, I just went and used an accurate for a reality pronoun. Well, I think I'm a vicious dinosaur.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      That would be the previable and literal killing two birds with one stone. An argument for gun control, removing a seating conservative (barely) member and an opening for an activist judge.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago
        You betcha the left would take a full gun control advantage of the assassination of a conservative Supreme Court justice.
        Never let so wonderful a crisis go to waste would be their gleeful thinking.
        Bet Schumer would be dancing but this time he'd make sure he was off-camera.
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    • Posted by term2 2 years, 9 months ago
      whenever political people speak today, one always had to dissect and find the true reason for the argument made. One needs to translate the words spoken into the words that are really meant.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 9 months ago
    I already think Thomas has an axe to grind with the left over Anita Hill. Kavanaugh certainly should. Even more so now.
    Keep it up lefties! Galvanize that side of the court. Let’s see how that works for ya’!
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  • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
    It just dawned on me; we should classify mental illness as a protective class. If mental illness is a protected class, we can say that its unfair that the democrats party is a party mainly comprised of the mental ill and that we need to force them to have more reasonable people in their party. You know, the fairness and equality thing. The problem with this bit of fun is that we would never fine a reasonable person to join the democratic party.
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  • Posted by bubah1mau 2 years, 9 months ago
    The LA Times has a peculiar account of this incident. It reveals some facts, but presents a picture of the suspect that is both maudlin and obfuscatory: https://www.yahoo.com/news/california... (LA Times via Yahoo News)

    According to this account, the assassin arrives by taxi at/near Kavanaugh's residence and immediately notices there are secret service agents posted.

    He then entirely changes his plan on the spur of the moment, doing a Jussie Smollett--he wants to "hurt Kavanaugh" and then take his own life. Reason? It's because he's afraid Kavanaugh's about to change conservative stripes and soften support for the 2nd Amendment.

    In other words, now thwarted in his assassination attempt by the posted security agents, he conveniently assumes the ID of a rightwing extremist who can't tolerate opposition to the 2nd Amendment.

    The LA Times account won't connect all of these dots, but simply provides them. Question is: are there people left who can still add two and two? Apparently, the LA Times is confident that it can supply facts, and people won't think critically about them--and even accept the would-be assassin's Jussie-Smollett/chameleon account as reality
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  • Posted by $ jdg 2 years, 9 months ago
    Not only this attempted attack but also the demonstrations that preceded it are examples of how politicized "justice" has become in DC. If you're a leftist like Antifa (or this guy), whatever you do including murder gets little or no punishment. But if you're a peaceful protester who supports Trump, dissent alone is enough to get you framed and put away as a political prisoner for more than a year so far (in most cases).

    Now that this bias by law enforcement and the "Justice" department has become so blatant it extends even to crimes against members of the Supreme Court, I would have thought the Court would be willing to make police accountable to victims for that bias. But their ruling in Egbert v. Boule ( https://reason.com/volokh/2022/06/08/... ) takes away most of that accountability. So I can only wonder.. WTF?
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