RED ALERT: Entire U.S. supply of diesel engine oil may be wiped out in 8 weeks… no more oil until 2023

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years, 2 months ago to News
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[] no more oil until 2023 due to “Force Majeure” additive chemical shortages...For a year!
SOURCE URL: https://www.newstarget.com/2022-06-22-red-alert-entire-us-supply-of-diesel-engine-oil-wiped-out.html

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  • Posted by $ 2 years, 2 months ago
    Trucks, Trains, Busses, Some Generators and Farm Equipment (Tractors) run on Diesel and need Diesel oil!
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 2 months ago
      You are talking to the girl who lives with 7 miles of the 'Chemical Capital of the World'. Dow Chemical!
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 2 months ago
        Whaaaaa???? I thought you lived in Texas?

        And I’m going to take an unpopular stance with this and say, I hope this happens. And I want to see $10.00 gallon gas too. Will it be tough? YES! Are Gulchers smart enough to adapt? YES!
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        • Posted by $ 2 years, 2 months ago
          We won't be buying electric cars...quickest way to fail and become a sheep in a traffic jam.
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          • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 2 months ago
            Oh no.....I’m not promoting electric car usage. I’m neutral on that subject. I’m just talking about inflicting the most financial pain on Biden voters as possible. I am confident that Gulchers will adjust their lifestyles accordingly. We shouldn’t have to...but there it is. I want to water my gardens with liberal tears.
            If little Zoe and Magnus don’t get to go to Disney this year because there isn’t enough money for that sort of indoctrination.......that’s a good thing.
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            • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 2 months ago
              Which of these synonyms would fit your 'inflicting'?

              entail, force, impose, thrust

              Perhaps you see it as your ability, keeping it on an individual level rather than your desire for how the collective Gulch will act, to reorder your life in order to inflict pain on others who do not agree with your view. You do not have my permission to inflict more pain on me by making me endure extra pain as you and others hope for greater market disruptions. Why would I want to change me life style because you get some jollies from your pleasure at the increasing the pain of others. Work for getting government and religion out of directing markets rather than your hope for even more interference, on an individualistic level, my life.
              Or, perhaps you are trolling, in which case you have got what you were hopping for.
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        • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 2 months ago
          Darling I live on the Gulf Coast of Texas. I went to Kindergarten at Camp Chemical in the far distant past. There are people living in this county that never heard of that. In Brazoria County people don't bow to God, they bow to Dow! My charitable health facility got grants from Monsanto and Amoco but Dow never ponied up a dollar.
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          • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 2 months ago
            Oh OK. Dow Chemical is has a large presence in Midland, Michigan. I wondered if perhaps you lived there.
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            • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 2 months ago
              Our Dow Chemical was up and going in the 1930's.What is touted to be (I doubt it) the most affluent city in Brazoria County was built by Dow. Lake Jackson is ALL Dow Chemical as is Freeport. We have Dow, Monsanto, Amoco, Phillips, Texaco and a couple of other refineries all along the Coast of Brazoria County. We have a little fishing village called 'River's End' (Brazos River) and it is there and the fishing boats come in and go out every day. You can stand on the end of the road and watch the seagoing bardges going into and out of Dow. My son loved to wave at the merchant seamen when he was only five and had found he loved to fish. They waved and yelled at him. He loved that Ship Channel.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 2 months ago
    Begins to sound like maybe we should pull all the operating coal fired steam engines out of the museums for emergency use. Of course we don't have any of the water stations to top off the engine tanks on the way, or very many people who understand how to maintain them, so their use would be very limited.

    Most of our domestic freight moves by water transport, but guess what those ships and tugs are powered by? Diesel, of course. Any alternative fuels, like propane, ammonia, butanol, dimethyl ether aren't produced or distributed in any high volume, and all require modification of any vehicle that uses them. There's no alternatives, so we could really be screwed this time.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 2 months ago
      That would fix em! Laughing
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 2 months ago
        I need to correct one statement, which is about distribution of alternate fuels. Propane has a wide distribution network, as does ammonia, but the problem is still converting vehicles and shipping to use those fuels (both have been done in research programs, but none operational. Ammonia can be used as a supplement to diesel, and that eliminates the need for the urea emission control, but no trucks or vessels have that capability. We're still screwed.
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        • Posted by $ 2 years, 2 months ago
          Thanks Doc, never knew that.
          I always wondered if Natural gas/propane trucks were actually running on the fuel they were delivering...
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 2 months ago
            There are European trucks and cars that run on propane as a clean alternate fuel, but the only use in the US is for forklifts and small gardening delivery trucks. Lots of UPS, FedEx, and waste management vehicles run on natural gas, and some cities use buses powered by natural gas. The only automobile ever sold in the US to run on natural gas was the Honda Civic, but it's no longer being produced. You can get your car/truck converted to use natural gas, but the price tag is about $5K.
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            • Posted by $ 2 years, 2 months ago
              OUCH!...but it just make sense...Natural gas delivery trucks running on natural gas and the same for propane delivery trucks....diesel fuel delivery is just a no brainer to run on diesel fuel...hell, gas trucks too!
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 2 years, 2 months ago
    Is this a problem around the entire world? Will countries like Russia and China have the same problem in the same time frame as the US. If it is just the US, other countries could/WOULD take advantage of our weakness. Fuc*** Biden lefties.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 2 months ago
    What, why me dino worry? Why?
    OUR FEARLESS LEADER!~~namely Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., PRESIDENT OF ALL THESE UNITED STATES is rendered incapable of error in his quest
    to render down unto else that most sacred of religious quests, the Green New Deal.
    Do you want our climate changing world to end in 12 years minus whatever years ago AOC handed down her epic prophecy from on high?
    Me dino don't. You shouldn't either.
    So why worry should all the grocery trucks in four to eight weeks for a lack of diesel engine oil? Be of good cheer.
    Our Man Joe will find someone else to blame. Y'know, like he always does.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 2 months ago
    Looks like it could get REALLY ugly in a fee weeks. Clearly this is all Putins's fault - not. Wonder what Trudeau will have to say about it. I may have to revitalize my hunting skills. Bambi could be in big trouble.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years, 2 months ago
    The alternative to producing diesel fuel is to build a small waste plastic pyrolysis plant. I have watched YouTube videos about industrious pacific islanders gathering waste plastic items from the ocean and what they have locally available to feed into a homemade Pyrolitic setup to produce fuel oil to run a diesel generator.
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