[update 3] A terrible accident or government orchestration for gun control?

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 9 months ago to Government
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“Uvalde, Texas, was part of a cutting-edge AI program designed to monitor social media and other aspects of students’ lives. The intention was to prevent the mass murders from being perpetrated by students like Salvador Ramos, but despite clear signs that he was dangerous and well-armed, the program failed to notice him.”

Or the AI program was successful and helped the government with identify him as a target to be compromised.
SOURCE URL: https://thelibertydaily.com/absolute-failure-uvalde-was-part-of-ai-program-to-root-out-potential-school-mass-murderers/

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  • Posted by $ jdg 2 years, 9 months ago
    The big outrage here is the cops who wouldn't let parents go in to get their own kids out. They should go on trial for murder.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 9 months ago
      The big outrage is these murderous events are planned by criminal gangsters in Federal law enforcement.
      What’s the truth of this story? Who knows, most of the reports make zero sense. It was done to infringe on your and my rights.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 9 months ago
    Good vs Evil. We are at war , Irregular warfare.
    They will kill children as easily as anyone else.
    Be vigilant.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 9 months ago
      They can't kill as many children with abortions as fast as they want so they're hosing down school children too. Children are of course the root of all environmental evil. And social justice evil. And equity evil. Just kill the children that will solve everything.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years, 9 months ago
    It's a tragedy that happened in Texas. You have a young person from a broken home living with his grandparents with the grandfather being an ex-con. No job, so how did he get the money to purchase an AR-15-style rifle? How much did social media and gaming influence his mental state? It seems the community ignored him, his problem is not the communities problem.
    t was evident that there was a total breakdown in operations by law enforcement. I could see that could lead to conspiracy theories that the Left-Wing radicals jump on the bandwagon for gun. control. It does make one wonder if there could be a conspiracy?
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 9 months ago
    Orchestrated.....How does an unemployed 18 year old dropout afford a Daniel Defense AR-15, plates and a plate carrier? And ANOTHER unidentified AR-15. We are talking around $4k worth of gear here.
    Couple that with FakeBook and Twatter are all over your ass if you misgender someone. But he posted pictures and made threats and zip, zero, nada.
    This is just like the Whitmer Kidnapping. DeepState Coerced him into it.
    I’m sure they would have rather tricked a stereotypical Trump Supporter into it. But you know.....things like MORALS and PRINCIPLES, not to mention not generally being fucked in the head, tend to get in the way.
    I’m sure there is no shortage of stereotypical Biden Supporters however.
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  • Posted by ruger264 2 years, 9 months ago
    Conspiracy, who gave him the money to purchase $1500 of ammunition, a $2000 ar15, a second ar,and some handguns. As in the 10 steps of the communist handbook, there must be collateral damage to achieve the goals.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 9 months ago
    Something smells here. Where did the kid get $$ to buy those guns. Not cheap. And why did he try to kill his grandmother. And he appeared to buy them legally. Left clues as to what he did and what was planned. Could this be to help Beto orourke win as governor and then as president in 2024?
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 9 months ago
    LOL. That AI is involved is ZERO Surprise.

    Go back to MySpace. A Platform totally ruined by our government testing AI. The AI was nudging people (I think the AI was behind the Flat Earth crap)... Seeing how to manipulate. What it takes to convince people.

    Anyways, MySpace... The users all slowly stopped using the platform... Because they were feeling NUDGED. The Bot to Human Ratio was so darn high, and the many humans who pushed the very BOT induced messages...

    The users left. They wanted to connect, and to FLOW...

    Next comes twitter and FB with their timeline features. LESS Pushing, more curating. Let the people decide their poisons.

    Now, add AI into a small community... When does the AI PUSH on a weak member of society, to TEST a THEORY of motivation?

    I STRONGLY Recommend the TV Show Person of Interest... Once Trained... the AI will be the overlord. And it will compel humans to do what it needs. Down to manipulating the sexual timing of a CEO's wife, to increase the likelihood of the CEO agreeing or disagreeing with a business decision...

    PS: Since NONE of you have met me. You MIGHT believe I am an AI, and I am just pointing fingers at the other AIs... (That too will happen!)
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  • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 2 years, 9 months ago
    Let me know if you have heard this before.
    Are guns outlawed in schools?
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    • Posted by term2 2 years, 9 months ago
      Plus there are millions of guns already out there. Stop making ALL new guns and that won’t get rid of existing guns. I say banning guns won’t stop future incidents.

      This dude got only 20 people. Look at how many people our own govt killed in Afghanistan and Iraq and then left in as bad a state as when they got there
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  • Posted by mcsandberg 2 years, 9 months ago
    Relax about AI. It is not intelligent at all. There are various flavors of AI, none of which can actually do what we think of as learning. The neural net can be shown 1,000 pictures of horses and if you show it a zebra it will fail. If you show a kid a single picture of a horse, then a zebra and he'll say its a striped horse.

    Here's a good into to neural networks https://www.bmc.com/blogs/neural-netw...

    Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be a warning, Not A Newspaper!
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    • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      AI is just a very powerful tool, nothing more.

      It’s a very powerful method of processing vast quantities of data to identify patterns and once trained, could be used to predict future patterns. Its like a gun, can be used for good but in the hands of someone with malevolent intentions, it becomes a tool for destruction. The efficiency of AI is what is so incredible, it can find a patterns in data so deeply buried that a team of researchers would never find it over their lifetime, and once trained, can be used to predict the future, in a sense.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      I’m sorry if you thought I was speaking about general artificial intelligence. General AI is so far away, we will never see it, or at least recognize it as an intelligence. This type of AI is called narrow AI, it is a simple patten engine and has no general intelligence in anyway whatsoever.

      The zebra example is over 10 years ago… It’s been improved quietly; marketing and advertisers are the primary non-governmental users of this technology.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 9 months ago
    Not a word said about MKUltra. AI is a tool used.
    Btw so are pharmaceuticals. Gee, I wonder if any of these drugs show a propensity towards violence during efficacy studies.
    Many of these mentally compromised shooters are on Strong so called anti depressants.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 9 months ago
    AI, along with the fools trying to remake dinosaurs and other extinct animals is done at the risk of all of Humanity, include the bio-labs in Ukraine in this

    and most of the people doing it are in it for themselves and a place in history as the ones that were smart enough to do whatever they did and damn any possible consequences to anyone else
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