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  • Posted by Spiderwilliams 2 years, 9 months ago
    The President and Dr Fauci were quoted thus, "Once you get the vaccine you won't have to worry about getting covid." Then there was "don't wear the mask," "masks are mandatory." Then there was "lock downs to last up to 14 days." Then there was herd immunity but the New York Times reported in April 2019, "Up to 7.4 million New Yorkers may have already been exposed." There was no follow up. March 17, 2019 San Antonio, Texas reports its first death from covid at a local hospital according to KSAT 12 News who were informed by local officials. (The Mayor and Judge Nelson 'Cry' Wolffe) Turned out the victim died in hospice care from alzheimers according to the victims family. KSAT 12 corrected the location but not cause of death and refused to retract or respond to inquiries. Later in July 2019 San Antonio offered free test kits. Line up in your car, register and take it home. When they ran out folks were told to continue registering and they would be informed by telephone when more kits came in. Sample phone call: "Mam your test came back negative but your son's was positive. Results have been forwarded to your Doctor." They were never tested. Up until June 2019 news media reported deaths from covid. Then the narrative changed to case counts. The definition of case counts on the CDC web site takes up an entire page. So it pretty much means whatever they want it to. This goes on and on. They used the same overall approach that was used from Vietnam through the Gulf Wars and Afghanistan. Lies, deceptions and fear and zero accountability. And you can say that about everything they do. That's why I posted no trespassing signs on my property and added, "No Government Employees Allowed!" I've drawn the line and it's my front door.
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  • Posted by gmcase 2 years, 9 months ago
    I believe there are a lot of vaxxed people who are dead men walking. Look behind the lies and censorship and the evidence that those who pushed the jabs should be tried for crimes against humanity is mounting.
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  • Posted by Martin_pjr 2 years, 9 months ago
    I have had 2 shots of Moderna and one Booster of Moderna. I had a reaction (feeling run down and tired) to all my shots and took a sick day from work. Would I do it again. No. I have since been pretty sick, 2 home test negative and 1 PCR / Flu test all negative. I still believe I had covid. I lost my Mom who got covid as she was finishing up Chemo for Lymphoma, kinda was the nail in the coffin for her.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 9 months ago
    No vax in this house. Ever. Hubby had covid --he's 87--was hospitalized, refused any tube or shot, came out in one piece. I've been exposed, never caught it. We have taken zinc, C, D in good doses for a long time and will continue to do so.My son and daughter-in-law and the older kids all do the same, but they were vaxxed. Since then it's been covid after covid, coughs and fevers, frighteningly bad weakness, one thing after another. I am begging them not to have my grandson jabbed.
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  • Posted by Stormi 2 years, 9 months ago
    Depopulation hoax. Create a virus using CDC and Fauci, then have ready a vaccine, which erases the immune system (per multiple global research projects), causes blood clots, and originally had intent for mind control via graphene oxide, now disguised as individual buliding blocks set off by d%, but DARPA parted ways with that part when it got too well known.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 9 months ago
    I can tell you that I didnt get COVID before I took two shots of Pfizer, and I havent gotten it since, so I cant say it worked or didnt work. I did have a sore ankle for about 48 hours after the second shot, which miraculously healed itself. Was it due to the vaccine? Who knows, but I didnt injure the ankle or had some sort of other medical problem.

    Make a new vaccine with untested Mrna, and who knows what could happen.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 2 years, 9 months ago
    I'm pureblood and intend to stay that way, even if threatened. These darned injections do not prevent Covid; Covid is just the flu anyway; and they cause heart attacks. And all this is known to authorities, so the only possible explanation for those who still want to force it on everybody is that they want us dead. Come get some!

    Also notice Biden's gaffe this week, where he admitted that another pandemic is planned, and therefore that the first was, too.

    There is already recognized absolute law against forced administration of any drug -- it's in the Nuremberg Code. We must not forgive or forget it -- there must be a new set of trials.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 9 months ago
    I am furious. My daughter-in-law and my step daughter (both in their 50's are extremely ill. Not likely to recover. Both had vaxes...but it hit their kidneys. Both had previous problems with their kidneys. If I knew who to blame, I swear I would find a way!!!
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