Does Any Hear the NAZI in "You will Own Nothing and Be Happy" (Concentration Camps 2.0)

Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 8 months ago to Politics
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Back in the day, the German Government got really really efficient.
Via the NAZI party, and Hitler, and the Forced Labor Camps. They drove the cost of production down.
And boy did they produce... Mostly ENERGY and then MILITARY and RESEARCH (often sick)...

How did they do this? Concentration Camps. Free workers. Starve them enough, make them work, or kill them, or worse (experiment on them).
Let the others hear their screams..

What did they learn? First, this works. The old die quickly once they cannot work hard enough to be worth feeding (No Social Security here).
And the young, well, they will work about as hard as they can get away with. NOBODY will CRUSH IT. And that's sad. You lose the Pareto Principle (80% of productivity is always produced by 20% of the producers). Because this only works when PERSONAL GAIN is an option.

So, NAZISM failed. it was close, to be honest (Thanks to our own OIL Companies providing the Germans with the chemicals that kept their planes in the air.... BTW, why were these companies never sued for supporting that destruction?)... And thanks to Ford and so many others.

If they had the ability to have the Pareto Principle work for them... They could have survived. But who in a concentration camp would work hard to "get ahead"???

Insert Klaus Schwab... Head of the WEF... What is he selling us...
Concentration Camps 2.0 -- You will Own Nothing and be Happy!

He should know. His father was a NAZI. His father ran a forced labor camp to run his business. He sat on the board of that company, and obviously they NEVER had to pay for their crimes... He probably noticed the workers WANTING to DIE... Even though he provided for them (Food, Water, a place to sleep)... Strange they don't have their heat in it...

So, now that people have forgotten the KEY part of NAZI is (Socialist... National Socialist, but Socialist)... And they confuse it with right wing and Crony Capitalism, thanks to their HORRIFC Education provided by ... Socialists and Marxists masquerading as teachers...

They can try again... But Klaus is smart. He knows that if you FELT you are FORCED LABOR, your productivity drops. And America is proof that PARTIAL Enslavement really works. Look at the innovation here vs. Europe.

So, they need us... But they need us to willingly step into the Concentration Camp 2.0
They can't coerce us in obvious ways... What can they do?
1) Make living so expensive it's hard
2) Making owning things really hard, forcing us to be serfs (renters)
3) Give us Fake Options/Choices
4) Teach us to OTHER the other people (Rats in a cage, attacking each other, but not the Lab Master)
5) Put our helplessness on full display.
6) Pass laws preventing self-farming, raising your own chickens/animals, being self-sufficient
7) Tax anyone who tries to get too far out of control... So that they join you, or within 2-3 generations their kids join you (Anderson Cooper?)

how to speed it up:
A) Create Shortages, and Long Lines
B) Disconnect communities, Families
C) Drive Wedges everywhere (so people only see each others differences)
E) Lie in the media, constantly... Destroying peoples will or desire to fight for change... To accept the "in your face" corruption!

Anyways, just a thought I had when I realized that it's the same story with a new Catch Phrase...

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 8 months ago
    Excellent history of the devils spawn.....
    We now arrive at Klaus Schwab, the founder of the ReichsWEF. We will explore the man, his family and business connections, and the true intention behind his monstrosity, the World Economic Forum.

    Klaus’ family was tied to nobility that maintained business partnerships dating back centuries. These families were involved with Swiss private banking, innovation during the industrial revolution, and the creation of an atomic bomb for the Nazis. Using the Red Cross, they also helped the Nazis wherever and whenever they could.

    Klaus would maintain close ties with his family friends, eventually founding the World Economic Forum in the Swiss town where his namesake bought a huge parcel of land. The early years of the ReichsWEF received enormous support from Harvard, as well as an array of former Nazis, SS leaders, militant communists, fascists and accused satanic pedophiles.

    The story also involves the destabilization of the world through nuclear proliferation, and the eventual acceptance of China’s communist slave labor to be part of global world trade. Today, Klaus’ ReichsWEF has transitioned towards Artificial Intelligence and an attempt to technologically enslave humanity; viewing people as nothing more than “hackable animals”.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 8 months ago
    Fascism, socialism and communism are all derived from one source. That source is Fredrick the Great and Prussia. Prussian philosophy is
    Simply :Master Slave War

    At the helm of Prussia sat the mighty Hohenzollern family. By 1871, after centuries of militancy and compliant citizenry, they were no-longer just the Kings of Prussia; they were the Kaisers of Germany and the Princes of Orange, along with many other monarchs they controlled. Having spent centuries of practising their tactic of “infiltration instead of invasion”, Prussia was gaining control of the modern World. They achieved this via secret societies, monarchs, Treaty arbitration and indirect controllers of global corporations. There was nothing they could not influence or control.
    Is their current weapon the Mass Psychosis of Fascism?

    WWI ushered in an era of communism, Nazism, the Muslim brotherhood and radical Islam, economic chaos of bubbles, busts and depressions; all through the Art of Central Banking, the propaganda of MSM, violent protests and color revolutions. The last 100 years has seen the rise of untold death and misery upon the world. All of which have their “oranges” back in the Big Idea of Prussia.

    The Jesuits, the Rothschilds and the Illuminati all lead back to Prussia.

    The violence behind this Prussian ideology ensures that all humanity is contained within three realms of consciousness or the three sides of the triangle. These are fear, greed, and revolution. People are forced into deeply innate emotions, meaning that our collective mind feeds the Eye of Providence.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 8 months ago
      Dobrien, wow, very well put.
      Yes, we are being driven into fear/greed(survival)/revolution states. Constantly.

      As a similar thing. Hyper-Palatable foods (pepperoni and Cola, for example), offer you 2-3 simultaneous pleasures that compete with each other.

      Pepperoni is Fatty and Peppery. Your brain, when it gets bored with one side, starts focusing on the other side, and you experience it anew. (New Doritos have used randomization of extreme hotness for a similar effect). And Cola offers Acid, Salt, Sweet. The acid literally clears the palate, allowing you to not get tired (quickly) of the flavor. The salt they add is insane, but it helps make you thirsty and counters the sweet. Add the fizz and wow... It is so easy to get people addicted, they don't even know they are!

      What you mention reminds me of a Mental Version of this. Or "Bliss/Distraction"... Basically it's an endless supply of media triggering various fears, greed, revolution (and gratefulness, even, because you are just happy they are not coming for you!)...

      BTW, I no longer feel they are not coming for me. LOL
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 8 months ago
    I just wonder how many people the banks are going to have to hire to monitor our bank accounts or is this all done remotely on a computer far far away?
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