This is how you acclimate a population to war. This is how you cultivate loyalty to a war machine. Prolonged exposure to the toxic culture of the American police state is deadly.

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 7 months ago to Government
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"Ask yourself: Why do these mass shootings keep happening? Who are these shooters modelling themselves after? Where are they finding the inspiration for their weaponry and tactics? Whose stance and techniques are they mirroring?

When you start to connect the dots, they lead right back to the American police state and the war-drenched, violence-imbued, profit-driven military industrial complex, both of which continue to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives.

The United States is the number one consumer, exporter and perpetrator of violence and violent weapons in the world.

Violence has become America’s calling card.

We are a military culture engaged in continuous warfare.

We have been a nation at war for most of our existence.

We are a nation that makes a living from killing through defense contracts, weapons manufacturing and endless wars.

We are being fed a steady diet of violence through our entertainment, news, sports and politics.

All of the military equipment featured in blockbuster movies is provided—at taxpayer expense—in exchange for carefully placed promotional spots aimed at boosting civic pride in the military, recruiting for the military, and churning out profit-driven propaganda for the military industrial complex. Even reality TV shows have gotten in on the gig.

It’s estimated that U.S. military intelligence agencies (including the NSA) have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows.

Then there are the growing number of violent video games, a number of which are engineered by or created for the military as recruitment tools, which have accustomed players to interactive war play through military simulations and first-person shooter scenarios. "

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 7 months ago
    Contemplate the vast authority and context that the Kaiser had at this time. Really consider it. He had active influence in all three major nations in WW1, including one that attacked the US. He appears to have been passing on secrets to the Alfalfa Club, who would become one of the most significant Clubs in the US; with Presidents, politicians and billionaires on its membership. Furthermore, all three of the nations he was overseeing were working together to establish a centralized banking system that would eventually control every nation on earth through a debt-based monetary system. The role of the Prince of Prussia on earth at this time, cannot be overstated.

    The US was at war was from 1917 – 1945. The Prussian Empire was dissolved in 1947; exactly 33 years after WW1 commenced in July of 1914. Signifying the transfer of Prussian power into the global corporations and banking system had been successfully achieved?

    In my view, 1917 saw the launch of the most significant mind-weapon upon humanity. Philosophy had been weaponized on a global scale. Banking was involved; education was involved; science was involved; media was involved; religion was involved. All the pieces were in place for an incredible assault on humanity.

    “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.” – George Carlin.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 7 months ago
    If we have a violent culture it is because the Prussian Satanic luciferian peedoh files promote it. They controll the MSM and they dominate the “entertainment” industry. We have mass shootings because the FBlie are tools of the vicious Cabal and they groom the killers.
    My estimate is 99.98% of interactions with humans are peaceful unless you are in a dem run city.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 7 months ago
      The News has created a hate movement, targeted at anyone who threatens the population-wide acceptance of the Central Narrative. The information war being waged across the world against people who will defend human freedom is nothing less than a secular religious war.

      People like them, who are asleep to reality and lack true faith in anything, have been made combatants for a cause they rarely even attempt to understand. The only knowledge people like them possess was received from people better than them. Nearly all this knowledge was accepted even though it directly contradicts their own experiences, observations, and emotions. For people like them, agreeing to participate in the Central Narrative is much easier than admitting they’ve spent their lives being wrong about much of what truly matters. It’s important to stay comfortable. No matter what, the people who threaten the full acceptance of the false reality are the problem.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 7 months ago
    Dear 'mhubb'. Careful what you wish for. If I hadn't worked my kids would have starved while daddy was off fighting wars that didn't have anything to do with the U.S. Go figure that one and don't point your finger at both parents 'working'. People have been trying to kill God since the beginning of time. That's why we Christians need to remain strong. My parents were Democrats! My halfbreed Indian daddy would have slapped you silly if you touched his children. Just calm down now.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 7 months ago
    democrats destroyed the family

    kids and violent video games

    violent movies, but holywood that tries to lecture us on gun violence, between making violent movies

    democrats keep trying to murder God

    families with 2 working parents, if both parents are living together, proxy care givers for kids of all ages

    lots of reasons....
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