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1) We are getting away with it
2) This child will grow up with issues we can control!
I read the account of a **** Man who was working to buy an infant female. They were going to raise her to rape her from an early age, and reward her and explain it was all normal. She would not have access to TV, etc. Various men would be able to go be with her for a fee. She would never know that what she was doing was wrong.
When I read the GLEE this person had for the thought of doing this... I simply thought that peeling off his skin, and exposing him to salt/acid for a few decades was SIMPLY not enough of a punishment.
There are many types of people. Unfortunately the people that NEED to be in power, are the ones least likely to WANT to be in power. And certainly not the ones willing to do anything to have power. That last group is who we get to choose from. All selected by the Deep State. Which is why 50% vote for someone, and 50% vote AGAINST the other person. We are so divided... As to be conquered!
Fortunately, me dino belongs to the 96% Club where I doin't have to be exposed to such dirty Schiff save for the 21 years I worked at a maximum security prison.
Light will always defeat the darkness. Truth is the light.
#9 left out All of the Above, which is the right answer.
So why do they call it "Woke" when they are so asleep?
Ignorance is curable, Stupidity is forever.
BTW, Putin's troops liberated thousands of children sex slaves from underground prisons in Ukraine. But you'll never hear that on the news.
Now we know why "Trader Joe" Biden (the pervert) is so wrapped around the axle to stop Putin.
Tens of billions of our (borrowed) tax dollars are going to keep child sex slave trafficking thriving in Ukraine. (along with drug trafficking, money laundering, bio weapons production...) Every Senator and Congress Critter that supports the theft our money (that we don't have to give) is guilty of Child Sex Slave Trafficking. In the mean while our Republic is going down the toilet. FJB. F Soros F the Clintons F Congress. They are all Satan worshipers. The Russians could nuke DC and it would be nothing but a vast improvement.
Best to just plant the seed and let the truth water it , as It will come out.