FBI Sternly Warns Mob At Justice Kavanaugh's Home To Stay Away From A School Board Member's House Next Door
Just like Federal Game Wardens, there's fair game to hunt and a species to protect as far as our politicized FBI is concerned.
"Sure would hate to charge one of you nice people with domestic terrorism," said Agent Raymond Epley to a group of women lighting baby dolls on fire. "By all means threaten the justice and his family! But if you set one foot on the school board treasurer's lawn, it's a one-way trip to Gitmo!"
Click the link to read how breaking a federal law is okay when you intimidate justices as long as it is a "peaceful demonstration" against conservatives.
"Sure would hate to charge one of you nice people with domestic terrorism," said Agent Raymond Epley to a group of women lighting baby dolls on fire. "By all means threaten the justice and his family! But if you set one foot on the school board treasurer's lawn, it's a one-way trip to Gitmo!"
Click the link to read how breaking a federal law is okay when you intimidate justices as long as it is a "peaceful demonstration" against conservatives.
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- 2Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 8 months agoIgnorance!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|