Is this the future for us all?
Posted by coaldigger 10 years, 4 months ago to Government
Someone on my wife's Facebook page posted a link to this site. This is about where I am from and why I use coaldigger as an alias. The old high school shown is Gary HS. Their team name is The Coaldiggers. I graduated from there in 1959. There was a series of coal camps, all called Gary (#1 through #14). They were owned by US Steel. There was 100% employment. Laborers drove Buicks and had savings accounts. There were no drugs and crime was minimal. Most of my classmates were children of first or second generation immigrants. The coal produced was the best metallurgical, coking coal in the world. USS was referred to as "The Corporation" and took pride in every inch of the communities which they owned. Rent was minimal. Maintenance was a phone call away and every house was freshly painted every three years. There was no charge for electricity because the company generated their own power for the mines and residential use was such a small percentage that they did not feel it was worth installing meters. We only turned off lights in rooms that we were sleeping in.
Someone decided that producing steel was dangerous, dirty and beneath the dignity of American workers. Someone decided that coal was worse. The unintended consequence is Gary, WV.
Someone decided that producing steel was dangerous, dirty and beneath the dignity of American workers. Someone decided that coal was worse. The unintended consequence is Gary, WV.
And, yes - somebody deemed coal illegal. The biggest mouthpiece for that compaign has been our president, lately. I look at coal stocks in amazement. It doesn't matter that coal burning technologies have came a long way, making it a very viable source. Not good enough for the powers that be. Also, note that it's really the children who suffer in that region. That's nice for the left because they hate kids. They would probably like to see them all dead and piled like wood.
Dear Sir,
While I as a strong Conservative agree with most of your comment, but I must caution you about your hyperbole regarding liberals. trust me, I hold no brief for liberals, but when you state that "they hate kids" and " They would probably like to see them all dead and piled like wood,"you sound much the same as liberals when they describe Conservatives. Sadly, this will defeat your purpose in trying to convince people of your opinion.
Without a doubt, liberals constantly use children in order to try to damage conservatives, and we object to their reprepresentations.
There is also no doubt that liberals in Congress constantly try to pass laws that will actually hurt our economy and therefore Americas children. Unintended consequences seems to be the only result of laws from a liberal Congress.
Please, let's be careful the way we voice our opinions and stick to facts. I agree and respect your view, but let's not let hyperbole be the guiding factor in trying to convince people of our views.
Fred Speckmann
unfortunately what has happened in Gary will spread throughout the country.
Think Keystone Pipeline, fracking, the lead recycling plants. All withering because of misplaced ideologies.
Apparently, if you are politically correct, you get poverty. Believe what PC Police tell you and you'll have cleaner air (maybe), better water (maybe), but no food on the table. Heck, isn't it worth it?
People that did not understand supply and demand were unhappy that their jobs were being bid on by other unskilled laborers from around the world and to secure their votes, the government agreed. At some point it was inevitable that since the cheaper labor could not move to the jobs, the jobs moved to the cheaper labor. Economic laws are just like natural laws in that they may be temporarily defied by artificial barriers but sooner or later the seas will breach the dyke.
We denied the hard working immigrants an opportunity to do a job at a world-competitive rate that we were not willing to accept so instead of ambitious people trying to climb the economic ladder we incubated leeches, lost our renewable source of dynamic social development and added to the burden of all producers.
Every day we make it worse. Anyone that thinks that they are saving the planet in the future by destroying the means of the human inhabitants of the present is certifiably insane.
If any of what Mr. Allen wrote WASN'T true, you can bet the house that the Rockefeller empire would have sued his life away. They never did.
The only politicians I loosely trust are the ones that AREN'T associated with CFR, Club of Rome, Trilateral, etc. Texas Govenor Rick Perry is a member of the CFR ~ OWNED by the Elite & thus NOT to be trusted. He is just an example.