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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 10 months ago
    I think in retrospect, the reason I didn't take the vax is because I worked too many years in the medical field and I never met a doctor who floored me with his intelligence. Also, I find, amazing at my age, that I have a suspicious nature. When someone tries to sell me something, I want to inspect the product. I couldn't believe the vax from the first spoken words. Got the cure too quickly. I recall Jonas Salk and Madame Currie's efforts.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 10 months ago
    Thanks Dob -- these all give cause for pause.
    I am curious as to what the graph will look like in terms of younger children and deaths related to No-Vax, 1-Vax, N-Vaxes. Give it a little time to cook.
    Listening to NPR this AM and discussion of court cases where one parent wants to get their little kiddies vaxxed, the other does not... in the one specific case Mom won out in the court and the kiddies got the vax. And of course, curiosity would like me to act as a Fly on the Wall in the homes of parents / families in the relatively near future, when the fallout (Costs) from the vax will become apparent. Of course Mom will find another rational for the fallout and Dad will be holding his face in his hands. The individuals that are throwing the switches are criminally sociopathic. Day of the Rope cannot require too much more cooking time.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
      Those awakened will never go to sleep again.
      Things do seem to be getting near the precipice.
      Q post 4685
      MSDNC CON: the Country is divided and dementia Joe [currently taking early-stage dementia medication?] is leading across-the-board.
      MSDNC controls what you see [digital echo].
      Twitter - FB - GOOG control what you see and what trends [digital echo].
      Hollywood ['stars'] swarm to enforce ['trend' echo].
      Blue checkmarks swarm to enforce [digital echo].
      ANTIFA swarm to enforce [non_digital echo].
      Rage and emotion follow by those indoctrinated [echo controlled].
      Define 'indoctrinate'.
      to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it
      Next: grab 'rage & emotion' [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as 'majority' [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].
      System of control.
      Many choose the path of least resistance.
      For many you cannot tell them the truth.
      You must show them.
      Only at the PRECIPICE will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 10 months ago
        The tough part - how to Wake someone up, and know that they are now awake.
        In the case of the Vax --- Mom insists that the kiddies under age 5 get vaxxed.
        Time goes by.
        There are oddities with the kiddies ... it take a little more time to unravel, run some numbers, the oddities have a strong correlation to the vax.
        But Mom refuses to wake up ... even if one of her own children is permanently physically harmed by what eventually -- mathematically -- is reduced to "the vax caused this oddity."
        And then working backwards -- Mom, this was your decision.
        Does this person ever wake up?
        Or perhaps the pain of awakening is too great.
        Remain asleep. Pour another double of bourbon. Whiskey helps.
        And what about Dad? The other parent who labored to say "hold on there, we understand that the benefits are miniscule from this vax -- but what of the costs?"
        Time passes ... and Dad... he has reason to drink now too.

        Honestly -- sometimes I just want to have a double myself -- then work out a plan to take out as many of these sociopathic bastards as I can -- the high-ranking medical and technical bureaucrats -- day of the rope. But no -- because I have my own distractions -- bread and circuses. And no spouse that I might differ with -- and no children that are being held hostage. It just hasn't gotten painful enough, for me. Not yet.
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        • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
          I was censored by my now deceased sister ,when I said where did the flu go. She said the masks stopped it. I said you have to be kidding me. Then click hang up. Last Time we spoke. Fully jabbed.
          6 weeks later Serious Pain and one trip to ER over 6 day period.
          Next day wakes up complaining of breathing ,massive heart attack I guess and she’s gone.
          Death certificate said natural causes. Unreal. Age 69 fit, no heart issues
          mother grandmothers all aunts lived to late 80’s to mid 90’s.
          I have documented on this board several times my personal interactions with the satanic Dr FauQi
          EVIL psychopath.
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          • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 10 months ago
            I offer my condolences for the loss of your sister. And I am just thinking -- your sister was likely a high wattage bulb in many areas -- but in this particular area, compartmentalized the C19 and the MSM narrative. There have been way too many coincidences between the vax application and people succumbing to illness and death.
            And you might think -- how could you have approached things differently with your sister -- but I like your approach -- a simple question. I have heard a similar answer to the Where Did the Flu Go question. It is baffling, because the Believers ... well, they just want to believe so hard.

            Somewhat similar story ... about 18 months ago, with the Covid mandates going on across the World... I was taking a cross country road trip. Indicate to my sister that I could swing down to New Orleans for a few days. She indicates that, well No -- we are all following the mandates and protocols so that They will Let Us have Fun again... that's right. Comply and you get your freedom at a later date. I replied back (this is all via Text) my perspectives on C19 as informed by alternative news sources -- and asked a few questions as well. Boom. I got De-Familied. So did my parents. My sister has been off communication from us for that 18 months. I fully expect that she has been thoroughly vaxxed ... have there been complications? Who knows. I also know that we do not see Eye to Eye on another great Global Fear: Climate Change.

            We're in agreement on Fauci. And there are a hoard of less powerful tyrants whose absence would not be missed.
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 years, 10 months ago
    Most important one for me is the mortality rate by vaccination status in UK. But unfortunately, the forces pushing the COVID vaccine remain in power, and doctors speaking the truth are still threatened with losing their medical licenses.
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 10 months ago
    Of the two Biden pics signing, one is a mirror image.
    Could be same person, different suit, tie and location.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
      I am sorry but one is left hand one is right handed.
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      • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 10 months ago
        The pics on the right, B or whoever it is, wearing a dark blue jacket and mask-
        look at the white hankie in the top jacket pocket-
        what side is that pocket on?
        Looks like right-hand-side to me. Makes sense if pic has been mirrored, or maybe, it is what persons of my age call 'ladies' tailoring', I am getting out of my depth here.

        The use of mirror images is common in fashion and advertising, it gives the finished composition the right stance with respect to what ever else is on the page, at least in the mind of the artist.

        Another clue, the flag.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 10 months ago
          I agree completely, Lucky.
          The photo of the 'left-handed' Biden is easily faked. I reversed it myself in 5 minutes with photoshop. Note where the handkerchief pocket is also reversed which, to me, reveals the photo was manipulated.
          See my imperfect 5 minute version:

          Of course, this only analyzes the one photo.
          Buy-dem photos often do look quite different compared to photos when he was younger.

          As DOB has often pointed out, this is a psyop war and there are lots of attempts to disguise and subvert the truth.
          We must be very careful what we accept as truth. Finding the original source can be very difficult.
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          • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
            When Lucky points out the handkerchief, I see the illusion. BTW these are memes. They are not evidence to be used in a court of law. The idea of a meme is to convey a Quick message , of course I never intend to post a psyop fraud or phony image but I applaud your keen eye.
            Hey, how bout the UN meme I should have just posted that one 13 times.
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