Who is @Q? (Part Five: Where Did You Go? It Was Just Getting Good!)

Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 10 months ago to Education
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The media helped create this hatred and oppression, and they got paid to it. Those “journalists”, who prefer having a blue checkmark to telling the truth, gleefully set about morally and intellectually justifying a movement designed to create bigotry on behalf of the most powerful people in the world and their agenda. These “journalists” do not understand that, in the days ahead, people will not look fondly on those who lied to them for profit and acclaim. They are still churning out new versions of their one QAnon article every time they want to make an idea dangerous to people who find ideas dangerous. They show no signs of stopping, despite the fact that Q stopped posting on December 8th 2020. Q disappeared, and yet “QAnon” is everywhere:
CNN calls the Ukrainian biolab “theory” a “false conspiracy theory”. Has CNN accepted there are true conspiracy theories?

As for the conspiracy theory itself - that researchers in Ukraine were working on weaponizing “high-threat pathogens” in US-funded labs near the Russia border - most of the key elements of the theory are already proven true, by the deniers’ own admission. Russia and QAnons do not conveniently share the same “false conspiracy theory”. Brazil, India, and China also formally called for investigations before the UN Security Council. Are they QAnons, or Russian propagandists? It’s getting hard to tell.

How do distinct parties with different (and often conflicting) priorities, all agree to believe the same “false conspiracy theories” without any coordination? It hardly seems possible. On the other hand, the media and tech companies in America (and globally) are owned by people who are publicly known, and proudly acknowledged, to be coordinating on projects to change the world in every way they can imagine. The Trusted News Initiative is one of these and the World Economic Forum is another.

It’s not a conspiracy theory that these organizations work in partnership toward a common messaging goal - it’s one of the primary reasons they exist! If there was a coordinated effort to present a false narrative to the world, would it be more likely among distinct groups with different priorities, or the organizations that coordinate what they do to achieve common goals?

The answer is obvious, but the media exists to convince us the opposite is true. Their goal is to convince everyone that the coordinated lies are not only true, but better for us. The only truth we can extract from the propaganda is that the propagandists are honestly telling us what they want us to believe.

From this, we can know what the coordinated organizations don’t want us to believe. Propaganda campaigns don’t only reward belief in the right things, they punish belief in the wrong things. They stigmatize everything that challenges the propaganda and they impose social, economic, and interpersonal costs on the failure to comply with the new boundaries.

There is nothing the media has stigmatized more than the mythical “QAnon”, and there is a reason for that. There is a reason they’ve continued, and even broadened, that stigmatization in the fourteen months since Q disappeared, with no promise of a return. Calling things “QAnon” has become its own stigmatization, as it deters people who’ve spent years thinking “QAnon is crazy” from considering any idea deemed “QAnon” by the same people who lie constantly, about everything, in the media.

In light of this obsession, one would think that the return of Q would be a massive story. “QAnon Goes Further Down the Rabbit Hole, Thinking Savior Has Returned”. Isn’t that what they would tell us?

Q may well have returned on the social media app that President Donald Trump spearheaded, but the media has remained silent… for weeks now.

Has Q returned? It’s a good question.
SOURCE URL: https://imyourmoderator.substack.com/p/who-is-q-part-five-where-did-you?s=r

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