
Posted by jack1776 2 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Do not know if we need to address the fact that we are in the midst, seems obvious now?

How do we fight this worldwide Marxist revolution, when do we fight it and where?

The enemy is unknown and not accountable, cowardly subverting our country and families. This makes it hard because there is no one to debate, investigate, arrest, or eliminate.

The news media has been feeding us lies for years, the patriots are in larger numbers then they tell us. We are in control of our country and only inaction will allow them to win. I’m done watching this and complaining about that and not doing anything.

I went to a political rally near my home on Wednesday; a speaker, James Lindsay, has inspired me to act. He spoke about Critical Race Theory and how it is being used to foment a Marxist revolution, he also spoke about how they are stealing our children away from their families and why. None of this news was new to me but still the same I was inspired because he was setting an example, then it dawned on me, we all need to be examples like James Lindsay and speak to people around you about what is happening and how we stop it is by simply recognizing it.

I’m going to start speaking to everyone I can about this fraud being committed to us and our future generations.

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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 10 months ago
    CRT is Class Warfare rebranded. The Marxist in the 1930s were disappointed at how Marxism just wasn’t germinating well in the west. Mostly because of a healthy middle class. So they had to pick something else to divide people. This whole thing has it’s roots back in Frankfort, Germany. Identity politics....the whole thing. Modern day Marxists figured out which buttons to push.
    That’s how we get the ELECTED Black lesbian mayor of the 3rd largest city (don’t even get me started on her net worth) is somehow “being oppressed” by some random white dirt farmer in Appalachia who doesn’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. It makes NO SENSE.

    They are sexualizing our children simply to sow chaos in the society. The ones actually pulling the strings don’t do that to their own. They’re “salting the fields” so to speak.

    They are seeking a NEO-Feudalistic society. Examine the enforcement of the COVID Lockdowns. It’s very clear. You think anybody made Bill Gates take the jab? Not likely.

    Flying around in private jets wagging their fingers at us for driving our Truck to Walmart.
    Rules for Thee......
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 10 months ago
      They are seeking a Nazi world order that operates as a Technocracy. The perfect example is Dr. Anthony FuQie ,a non elected “expert” dictating behavior . They will have one for monitored your energy using the Internet of things. A social credit score expert and so on.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 10 months ago
      Karl Marx was nothing but a paid mouthpiece for Frederick the Great ll of Prussia. Both Communism and Fascism were created by the
      Gay Dictator who had to witness the beheading of his boyhood male lover. I will link the marvelous work of Will Zoll here .

      Karl Marx – The Prussian Truth

      After a deep dig on Karl Marx, the origins of his philosophy, the world in which he was part of and the true nature of events surrounding revolutions, the legend of Karl Marx appears as manufactured as the MSM narrative around the 2020 election. With a basic understanding of Prussian “kultur”, it seems almost impossible that anything Marx did was not without the knowledge and consent of the Prussian government. When you dig deeper you can see that Marx was nothing more than an agent of Prussia, carrying out orders to infiltrate, subvert and eventually weaponize communism for the benefit of the Prussian kingdom.

      “Infiltration instead of invasion.” Just what happened to US.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
    What CRT is and how its being used?

    Why do they have the Gay Straight Alliances club in most schools?

    Why are they sexualizing our children?

    The News media is propaganda, and nothing can be trusted as accurate.

    COVID and the vaccine are part of their plan, to what ends?.

    The Ukraine war news is all unknown, to what ends?
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 10 months ago
      No.1 It is a Marxist agenda... from Prussia with love.
      Using Race and Dividing the people and deflecting problems they themselves create onto a different group.
      2. Grooming and It is part of the transhumanism agenda also connected to the Evil nature of the Satanic Luciferian Globalist Peedo file Cabal.
      3. Pedo files trying to normalize their sick evil desires. “Doesn’t as thou whilst”
      4.Operation mocking bird run by the infiltrated C-A idiot agency .
      5.Agenda 2030 “genocide” “ You will own nothing and be happy”
      6. Putin a Nationalist is fighting against the Nazi World Order mistakenly called the New World Order.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 10 months ago
    From my post Spring is for planting Seeds. Many of you have likely experienced this in your own lives. Ever try to convince a ‘normie’ that there might be more to Russia than meets the eye? How about Pfizer? How about the events of September 11, 2001? JFK? (Well, that last one was so botched by the powers that be that it’s become just about the safest ‘conspiracy’ to discuss in the open.)

    No matter what you’ve tried to convince a narrative-absorbing ‘sleeper’ of, you’ve likely encountered immediate and somewhat dramatic resistance. In this way, on a micro level, breaking down walls of cognitive dissonance is much more difficult—if not impossible—than simply planting seeds in the consciousness of the subject and waiting for world events—engineered or otherwise—to water them.

    In short, you don’t need to defend or argue a concept or position in order to introduce it into the mind of a subject.

    Relating this back to the crisis at hand, Russian patriots and their allies don’t necessarily need their version of said narratives to be argued BY the media, social or otherwise, at least not now. They simply need the concept to be argued IN the media.

    Humans are emotional creatures. Most are far more emotional than logical. The Controllers understand this, which is why the corporate press does everything in its power to first traumatize and later massage narratives into that vulnerable normie hive mind. But when they are met with storms of chaos they did not engineer … when narratives are formed on the fly and in a panicked state, then the media makes mistakes, and cracks begin to form in the manufactured narrative.

    We’re seeing that in the current situation. The media reactions to Putin’s timely and direct maneuvers have caught the Deep State by surprise. Rather than carefully crafting a sturdy, tall and nearly impenetrable wall of cognitive dissonance for normies, there’s nothing but a thin veneer of barely-contained threads forming a cracked and cracking narrative eggshell over any number of inconvenient truths slipping out like sprung leaks from Ukraine.
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