Pete Buttigieg Says Prohibiting Classroom Instruction of Sex and Gender Identity in Kindergarten Classes Will “Kill Kids” (VIDEO)
Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
MrsShy🇺🇸❤️ reposted
Petey boy was an animal killer & torturer when he was a teenager in South Bend, IN.
He was arrested for it, it was on the news. Daddy got him out of it.
I lived in this area all my life.
He IS a diagnosable psychopath. #PeteyTheAnimalKiller
Jim Hoft
Pete Buttigieg Says Prohibiting Classroom Instruction of Sex and Gender Identity in Kindergarten Classes Will "Kill Kids" (VIDEO)
The legislation states that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”
The groomers are angry they can’t discuss inappropriate sexual content with prepubescent children.
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Pete Buttigieg told “The View” co-host Ana Navarro that the anti-grooming bills are going to kill kids.
Petey boy was an animal killer & torturer when he was a teenager in South Bend, IN.
He was arrested for it, it was on the news. Daddy got him out of it.
I lived in this area all my life.
He IS a diagnosable psychopath. #PeteyTheAnimalKiller
Jim Hoft
Pete Buttigieg Says Prohibiting Classroom Instruction of Sex and Gender Identity in Kindergarten Classes Will "Kill Kids" (VIDEO)
The legislation states that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”
The groomers are angry they can’t discuss inappropriate sexual content with prepubescent children.
TRENDING: FLASHBACK: Text Messages Reveal Joe Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER'S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR
Pete Buttigieg told “The View” co-host Ana Navarro that the anti-grooming bills are going to kill kids.
Reason to teach pre teens about all the this and that of sexuality , fetishes and perversions.
I am happy these freaks are exposing themselves including Disney.
Back in the 1970s, they said that the ultimate goal of the gay community wasn't normalizing homosexuality. That was just the foot in the door to normalizing pedophilia.
People laughed at the idea then, yet here we are.
He wishes he was heterosexual.
He doesn’t have a boy friend , but he jokes about being attracted to different men. He is a actually great guy and a very funny sense of humor.
Wait, since Buttheadgieg has a husband, he/she/it could always dress up like Tim Curry in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
If there were a brain in there, I'd be dangerous.
Wish the volume was a little louder.
Parents like that are bound to grow screwed-up messes.