With Baby Formula Shortage, Pete Buttigieg Forced To "Chestfeed"

Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 8 months ago to Humor
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"My first several attempts at chestfeeding my twin babies have proven unsuccessful," Buttigieg told reporters. "This is because human biology is homophobic and won't allow a gay man to feed his own babies. And now my babies are starving and my nipples are sore. Does anyone know any women? Any women at all? Help!"
Hearing Pete's plea, our Puppet-In-Chief asked his bossy handlers, "Will I~~me?~~who am me?~~will whoever I am get in trouble with you guys to find, uh~~where am I?~~to help Mrs. Butthead out by, by~~finding any women at all?"
Slow Joe was then advised that even his Supreme Court appointee does not know what a woman is.
"I'm confused," Little Joey, said, stating the obvious. "I thought we~~where am I? Oh, yeah~~are running the bread casket of the world."
"That's breadbasket, Joe," YA BETTER CALL HER DOCTOR Jill said, entering the sound stage of his phony office that fits his supersized teleprompter. "Here is your warm miky in its sippy cup so you can have your nappy now."

In other BB News, Starving American Babies Pose As Ukrainian Soldiers To Score $40 Billion For Themselves~~
SOURCE URL: https://babylonbee.com/news/with-baby-formula-shortage-pete-buttigieg-forced-to-chestfeed

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