The Cleansing. “We caught them all.”
Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
I believe Trump has always understood his role as both President and Commander in Chief. The office of the President is something Trump always believed was an office he held at the behest of the people, an honored guest in the White House. With the presidency also came the duty of Commander in Chief. Not wanting to be derelict in his duty to protect our elections from obvious theft this man-in-the -middle network must be hidden and protected.
Like a respectful guest who understands the privilege of his temporary stay in the White House, Trumps cleans up after himself!
It was never entirely clear why Trump would release those 175 million IP addresses after using them. Rather than surmise that those IPs were released for future use, my theory suggests they were already used. To be fair, I never had a great answer why the were released on Jan 20th and taken back later in September
I believe Trump has always understood his role as both President and Commander in Chief. The office of the President is something Trump always believed was an office he held at the behest of the people, an honored guest in the White House. With the presidency also came the duty of Commander in Chief. Not wanting to be derelict in his duty to protect our elections from obvious theft this man-in-the -middle network must be hidden and protected.
Like a respectful guest who understands the privilege of his temporary stay in the White House, Trumps cleans up after himself!
It was never entirely clear why Trump would release those 175 million IP addresses after using them. Rather than surmise that those IPs were released for future use, my theory suggests they were already used. To be fair, I never had a great answer why the were released on Jan 20th and taken back later in September
It is my contention that Trump and his team used the 175 million IP addresses to create a so called “man-in-the-middle” instance that collects the data being sent to a foreign entity for manipulation, displays it in real time, and sends it back to desired destination without being detected. To do this, Trump would need access to data capture devices which he did.
I bet many who cheated in 2020 felt that it was not cheating, it was patriotic, to defend against Trump.
As Hillary said by any means necessary