Bezmenov's Steps (Ideological Subversion) - We are infested, how to disinfect?

Posted by deleted 2 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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Summary Quote:

“Only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage and such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures [meaning] psychological warfare… What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that, despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.”

1-Demoralization (Bezmenov claims that the USSR was surprised at how easy this phase was in the US.)

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 11 months ago
    Ayn Rand had the answer for this one. To disinfect the ideological subversion, one has to assume the moral high ground associated with free enterprise. Free enterprise plays no favorites, rewards people for their efforts, and has not been defended.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
      Objectively structured
      No LLC? (owner operator risk)
      No company shall own another company or part of said? (trackabilty and taxability)
      No not-for-profit? (removes shills)
      Patent limitations 3, 5, 7 years?

      The above may naturally limit the size of organizations. More organizations, more competition, better products, evening of costs across an industry. Decentralization of power.

      Do not pollute. Make a mess, clean the mess. Too expensive? Not marketable.

      Just some thoughts toward solution.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
        Commander, the Patents issue amazingly complex.
        At one level, 17yrs is a long time.
        But for someone starting out, they waste 3-5 years trying to get funding, etc.

        I think patent limitations should be more a function of the Holder:
        1) Individuals 17yrs, but if they give an EXCLUSIVE to a larger Organization, it drops to their level
        2) Corporations Holding < 100 Patents: 12yrs
        3) Holders of < 1000 Patents: 8yrs
        4) Corporations Holding > 1000 Patents: 4yrs
        5) Software Patents: 3yrs
        6) Medical Patents Held by US Govt Employees: 11.9 Mos, and must be sold. (STCG)

        No more PROCESS or Algorithm Patents. No more DESIGN Patents (round screens, slide to open)
        No More US Govt Stealing Patents under ANY guise, especially national Security!
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        • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
          Good input. I have way too much experience in this. Prosecuting an aggressor who claimed patent and then trade secret on my work. I've had patentable said "No".

          If removal of LLC and non-profit status reduces business size, and opens up personal/ownership liability, the whole patent process and products should slow immensely. Keep your work secret and under non disclosure agreements with severe personal penalty? Thou shalt not steal....or ELSE!!!

          No Gov or State school patents. Developed under what producers pay in tax support...public domain.

          A lot more thought to process regarding.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
            My favorite example of Patent Problems was Eli Whitney. Known for the Cotton Gin. He never made a dime on that, because Farmers built their own, using the patented description. LMAO.

            But his TRUE Claim to fame, as I understand it, was INTERCHANGEABLE parts, like GUN parts.

            Back in the day an entire gun was Smithed to work. It was custom. The hammer or trigger from another gun would usually not fit.

            Until Eli had the bright idea to standardize how the pieces are made. [I forgot where I learned this, so there is a small % I am in err]
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            • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
              I specialize in building manufacturing processes. Jigs, tooling, fixtures and special machines.
              I build the one or two that produce hundreds to millions. Always busy with my manual machinery and extremely low overhead. Only financed one piece of equipment in 35 years; 15k on 330k of revenue. I planned on it being disposable as it did not appear to be top line. Damn thing bored a .001 tolerance hole 4.5 inches deep after beating the snot out of it for two years.
              My friend Bob Hughes designed the machine that made grinding of punches and dies for deep draw thin wall aluminum cans. Sold it to Standun in 68 or 69 for 250k. What!?!? I told him it was 25 mil at the time. Only if one had the legal resources to fight American Can, National Can, Anheuser Busch, etc. A buddy of his created and patented the integral rivet in the can lids. No perforation solved a lot of lost product in bodymaking. Took him 28 years to get a 50 mil settlement.

              And then there is the international .....
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              • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
                Yep, that's why, when the big buys GET the patent, we need to significantly REDUCE their protection.

                In the hands of many, you have innovation.
                In the hands of a few, you have a Bludgeon!
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                • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
                  I've been thinking, dangerous in this day, of a more "natural" deterrent regarding "aggression".
                  Two tiers. Education in the differences between freedom as an absolute and liberty as clearly established philosophical and lawful restrictions on behavior.
                  At an age of "consent" an individual chooses which condition to live within. Freedom requires no contract, Liberty requires contract, (informed consent?). Those "Free" have no restrictions nor protections from each other or those societally contracted as individuals or groups. The "Libertarians" have clearly defined rules of engagenment... Ferengi! Learning the language [OF] the rules is imperative for better success than one's peers.
                  All actions on the part of all individuals are contract, formal or informal, as we engage in trade/commerce. Even formal language is a form of trade, and it is what makes us unique as a species.

                  This is baseline. The Constitution [for] Sapiens (perhaps all sentients) is the goal.
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                  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
                    As a Trekkie, I loved the planet without Crime.
                    They only had 1 punishment, regardless the infraction... DEATH.

                    Zero Recidivism. I am ALL IN on this one.
                    Know the rules. Break them. GOOD BYE.

                    And for our elected officials, lets be clear. It's illegal to line your pockets, or your family members pockets or gain financially from your position of power. Fame, YOU get to keep that. And if it works for you later on (not lobbying), then good..

                    Oh, and you CANNOT run for office WHILE IN OFFICE! That would be against the law.
                    And you cannot QUIT your office position, in order to RUN for office. You finish your term.
                    if you quit, then you cannot server elected office for 10 years.

                    Definitely against the law for a Newsmedia to misrepresent a Fact Check! LOL

                    There goes that overcrowding problem.

                    Sure hate to be caught here illegally!
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                    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
                      Had an idea on legislation.
                      75% vote yes to change Constitution
                      67% vote yes to add legislation through a bill
                      51% vote yes to remove legislation

                      That should slow things down a bit.
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                      • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 11 months ago
                        I would suggest two changes to the way that Congress may consider bills. First is a mandatory preamble to the bill stating its Constitutional authority, i.e. which clause or explicit authority granted by the Constitution is being referenced as justification for the action. Second (and many States actually have this) is that each bill may only take up a single topic.

                        The first item forces legislators to familiarize themselves with the Constitution and declare the legal premise on which they are acting. This makes it much easier to challenge a law as unConstititional in court. The second eliminates these massive spending bills which invariably include all kinds of earmarks and carveouts.
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                        • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                          Yes! No more titles like "American Jobs Act And For Other Purposes." Get rid of that And for other purposes phrase and they can't sneak any more.

                          I saw an MTG video recently, she was talking about how despite being on no committees, she still has power.

                          When bills come to the floor, she asks for the votes to be recorded. She said there were 28 bills on the floor, but when she asked for Yeas and Nays, all of a sudden there were only 5 bills on the floor. Evidently 23 bills were not worth Congress officially signing their name to.
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                      • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                        Maybe 67% as well for removing legislation, we don't want a simple majority tearing things down, either. I like this though.
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                        • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
                          Hard to approve and easy to rescind. Leave the US Constitution as base and the States cover all the variables.
                          Income tax, SSI, Unaffordable Care Act, etc, would be different or not exist. It's the benevolent anarchist in me.

                          Optimum would be a formal, objective philosophical construct, through which the entire US Constitution was based. All interpretations are weighed and weighted through the philosophy and not legal precedent. A work in progress.
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                    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
                      Everything we are, beyond autonomous function, is base on some form of formal language. Without formal language we cannot convey perception to conceptualization. Even sign language is formal.

                      The first human that picked up a simple tool and used it as an extension of self, to ease it's life, and then assigned a "signal/gesture/grunt" to convey the use to another, created the concept of trade/commerce. Then they passed this on to others. Others found new, or varied use of the tool and conveyed a new "signal-word-symbol" in return.

                      Clan of the Cave Bear: A small group of interactive humans with ranked specialties for each. They all knew one another directly and traded food-protection-toolmaking comforts between themselves....all based on direct mortality-based values of survival.

                      Nothing like this is taught in school systems across our country...all is assumed.
                      And we know what assumption is... Making an ass of u and mption.

                      I've been binge watching the first three Star Trek series with the focused attention on The Objectivist's Ethics. Roddenberry popularized Rand without the audience knowing. Assess this yourself. Prime directive of non-interference and not initiating force is just the beginning. The different species represent facets of American cultures across a very broad spectrum of interaction. I do not think Roddenberry did this by accident. Pillar and Braga might be able to tell. I wonder if Nichelle Nichols has the rest of the story.
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                      • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                        I did not know Roddenberry was a proponent of Rand.

                        Leonard Nemoy invented the Vulcan hand sign. Do you know where that came from?
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                        • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
                          Roddenberry made public comment on liking The passing. That's the only reference I'm aware of.

                          The thematics in Star Trek pattern The Objectivist's Ethics as an underpinning that mortality is the standard of values for life. And then all the permutations that are exhibited are quite profound per episode.

                          Didn't the hand gesture come from a Jewish ceremony of some sort? Memory is vague.
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                          • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                            Yes, from the Hebrew letter "Shin" which looks like the Vulcan hand symbol. It's the first letter of the word SHalom which means Hello, peace, goodbye. Fairly close to Live long and prosper. As a greeting or parting. Leonard Nemoy is Jewish.
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                    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                      I remember the episode, someone steps on the grass and has to be put to death?

                      To your rules I add my financial/identity rule. Public officials have their SSN, DOB, addresses and all banking information publicized, FOREVER. Every single penny that crosses their hands is monitored. It is a public website. Every time they deposit a quarter from their daughter's lemonade stand it is known. Arrange this rule into whatever shape it needs to be such that there is no incentive or possibility for financial corruption. It needs to be lifetime because after a politician is in office is when they start raking in the real corrupt money.

                      Basically to be a public official you have to have your Achilles heel severed in advance, in service to your nation.
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                  • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                    Are you saying freedom is radically free, and liberty requires responsibility?
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                    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
                      Yup. Imagine taking to the woods unsupplied. None of the human tools of comfort made by others are available. Completely independent....Freedom.

                      The interactions of commerce/trade require an expressed equity in trade. Liberties of agreement.
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    • Posted by Storo 2 years, 11 months ago
      To disinfect from ideological subversion, we must begin to control the narrative. This is how the Left has made much of their March toward communism. And we must adopt Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals, and use his rules against them. These rules can be used by either side going in either direction.

      “ In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.”
      Saul Alinsky

      THIS is the mindset we need in the battles against socialism and communism, not to mention our “progressives”.
      So why don’t we do it?
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      • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
        I'd say start with the schools, K-16+.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
          I am actually working on that. An objective curriculum to start teaching at age 7-9
          I taught my niece, 7, on not initiating force when she got frustrated with a little teasing I was initiating. When frustrated she was defaulting to raising her hand to hit me. It was real easy to explain that I had a lot more experience so I could confuse her. And her part was to step back and ask questions and try to figure out how I was doing this. Now she squints at me....can see the mental wheels spinning ..and she walks away and thinks. She forms her questions very well 2 years later. Her language skills are way ahead of her age peers as a result.

          I can duplicate this in a lot of environments now.

          With all the exchanges we've had, to let you know, I've no college education. A vocation of industrial maintenance, engineering, design with no certifications. Over 35 years owning my own manufacturing businesses.
          Think it's oxymoronic? I'm to skinny to be an oxy-moron! LOL!
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          • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
            That's beautiful. Hey my Dad started off in a technical high school, became a machinist, went into the Army, became an IBM engineer by night school, no certs either. He did pretty well.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
      How can free enterprise change the New World Order Charter in the the Universities? If you mean free enterprise defunds them, good. But how?
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 11 months ago
        It is time to wean universities from the government teat. I am the rare professor who doesn't take the government cheese. Make the universities independent of government $, and they will go to a free enterprise system. As it is now, all you hear is "free college for everyone". Aaaack!
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        • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
          Rather interesting that Rand delivered The Objectivist's Ethics at U of Wis in 61.
          60 years of State and ambiguous sourced funding have turned it into U of Wokescon-sin. Filters down through all the schooling systems...everywhere. WEF/Agenda 21 language concepts saturate the narrative.

          This is what we are dealing with for the upcoming school board election on April 5.
          Article published March 22, 2022

          By Dorothy Maired Brown (Who does not exist in any public record)

          Manitowoc, WI — Three school board candidates in this working class city in northeastern Wisconsin, have numerous ties to organizations known for union-busting, privatization and racism. One of the candidates gloats in his candidate profile he once worked for Sheriff Joe Arapio well known for torturing prisoners in Arizona. The general election for the School Board is April 5, 2022.

          Tony Vlastelica's response. Tony is Croation born.

          This all starts local.
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          • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
            McCarthy was right.
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            • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
              Did you ever see Norman Dodd's candid interview of his report to the Reese Commission from 1954?
              G Edward Griffin 1982.

              The propaganda then was Russia as origin. Globalists shift chimera personas through marriages and corporate mergers like we change our minds.
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              • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                50 minutes I'll have to take a look at the video...
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                • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
                  Proves McCarthy was right. Enjoy the gut wrench.
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                  • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
                    I watched it. Now having eaten 3 spoons of baking soda...ugh. Carnegie, Guggenheim, Rockefeller, decided to use the education system to push collectivism. Is that what I just saw?

                    I watched after the interview with Bush speaking and others. I wanted to see the rest of that, but it cut off. I went to as well.
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                    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
                      England had to let us go. They were beleaguered by Spanish and French aggression. Just luck that this Republic was formed when circumstance allowed. The Lords of Europe were not to be left out of the bounty. Easily 200 years of undermining our Constitution and cultures with monies and corporate structures, foundations and educational influence, capture of narrative and legal central operations. It aint over yet baby.

                      WEF founded in 1971 and UN Agenda 21 adopted in 1987. Once started the mileposts get clearer. I managed to trace a resurgence of fiat monetary systems back to 1530 Venice. I think this may have been the impetus for Martin Luther changing from supporting Jews to condemnation in his 1546 treatise: The Jews and Their Lies....quite possible, seeing the aftermath of the 1930's collapse here and in Europe earlier. Patterns emerge. Norman Dodd found one of these patterns.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
          Actually, Govt funding might be bad.

          But Industry Funding is EVEN Worse.
          Think Pharma Studies.
          The fact that they can do 15 failed studies, and prevent publication... INSANE.

          The PERSON(s) doing the study should ALWAYS have a right to publish the study, even if they have to remove "brand names" from the study.

          But wouldn't it have been nice to know that AS MANY PEOPLE DIED taking STATINS as those that did NOT take them. But that taking statins also had NEGATIVE Side Effects... In 13-14 studies... And ONLY when they "FIXED" the studies with WASHOUT periods, etc. etc.

          Did the Statins give a MODEST improvement, that they used RELATIVE Percentages to claim a 30%+ reduction in heart attacks. When it was 1 out of 1,000 reduction. (Lookup David Diamond Statins on YouTube to blow your mind).

          So... I don't mind govt funding as much.
          But I also LOVED This idea:

          For EVERY Blockbuster Drug, a 10% tax that paid researchers to ATTACK the drug, or to find "Natural" Alternatives that compared. (Red Rice Yeast Extract vs. statin drug)... Or good old vitamin C, and keeping your teeth clean! (or Calcium Scores, and better diets)...
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        • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
          Oh yes, of course. But in NY someone is floating a law about automatically registering high school students for college financial aid regardless if they want to go!!!
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 11 months ago
    “The most difficult and at the same time the simplest answer to the subversion, is to start it at the process of demoralization and even before. It’s to bring the society back to religion. Something that you cannot touch, or eat, or put on yourself. Something that rules society… and preserves it.

    “Have you ever met a person who would sacrifice his life, freedom for truth [he writes ‘2 + 2 = 4′ on a chalkboard’]. I never met someone who did. But millions sacrifice their life, freedom, comfort for things like God… Something which is not material moves society and helps it to survive. And the other way around. The moment we turn to this [2 + 2 = 4] and make it a guiding principle of our life and existence, we die. Even though this [math] is true and this [religion] you cannot prove.”

    While at first glance this may seem like a clever tactic, it presupposes two fundamentally flawed assumptions commonly made by the (atheistic) communist: first, that religion is unverifiable and second (as a consequence) that it is therefore false. The flaw in this supposition is somewhat ironic by the very claims made in the paragraph above regarding guiding principles and action. The author (Bezmenov) asserts paradoxically both that religiously-motivated action is more potent and yet less effective. The religious objector points out that the communist is admitting that his/her philosophy is a lazy philosophy while the "religious" philosophy is one of action in which the works of the philosophy speak to its verity.

    The other portion which is interesting in its absurdity is the presupposition that religion is separate and apart from the communist mindset itself: the dissassociation of a political theory as a basis for society being substantially different from a "religious" theory. This is a disingenuous and prejudicial argument of means rather than substance. Society is always going to be based on some kind of ruling philosophy. The primary difference lies in the selection of such a philosophy and its effects on its adherents. An objective comparison between social philosophies looks at outcomes not just theories and this is where communism's dismal record blackens its own doorstep.

    (As a side note, it is also interesting that Bezmenov is enthusiastic to point out the number of deaths caused by religion while omitting the fact that communist nations in the 20th century slaughtered more than 100 million people - the vast majority their own citizens.)
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  • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago in reply to this comment.
    We have to stop paying them to build our squirrel cage. Just stop running on it. It will stop turning.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 11 months ago
      I do not register or tag my vehicles or carry insurances on them any longer.
      I have Right to Travel jurisdictional papers that prove this under law. I do not require "privilege" from The State as a private citizen on public roads [not] involved in commerce.

      When I was working over the road these licensures were required under the Uniform Commercial Code.

      Know your jurisdiction well in case you go to court.

      A friend of mine extricated himself from the Fed and State taxes under UCC jurisdiction...until... he was working under the newly "Federalized" banks after 2008 Dodd-Frank was passed. It's about a 2 year process to extricate. You give up all claim to SSI and Medicare as result.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 11 months ago
    Well now wait a minute darlin'. We have both Concealed Carry and Open Carry in Texas. I chose Open Carry so I don't have to bother with a license and I think that belt and hip holster looks so fashionable with my slim cut jeans and boots! And to be fair, my ammunition is both regular and hollow point! That way, if I really don't like someone, I'll know what ammunition to choose.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 11 months ago
      I’m always shocked at how people freak out over open carry. Especially in my state. It is %100 legal to carry a loaded weapon into our state house. The MSM freaked out when the lockdown protests happened. Supposedly “Armed Extremists Stormed the Capital”. The truth was....armed citizens seeking redress from their government over grievances lined up in orderly fashion had their temperatures taken and sat in the viewing gallery above the state legislature. Not nearly as sensational. But that’s the truth from someone who was there.
      Believe NOTHING that the news reports....NOTHING.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 11 months ago
      I am the type that loads 2 normal rounds, then the rest Hollow Points into my magazine.
      The argument being the same as my Shotgun having 2 Birdshot, then Buckshot, and a saddle with slugs.

      If I lose the weapon (God forbit), I might be able to survive the first 2 shots.
      If I have the weapon, I know how aggressively to keep shooting, and I can always (Shotgun) Slap Load a slug to speed things along (keep 'em guessing).

      Everyone who intends to defend their home, should PRACTICE when nobody is there, from where you first pickup your weapon, going through your house, and recognizing where the PERPS are, but EXACTLY what is behind them (I have a tough angle out of the Bedroom, where I am shooting into my daughters room. We moved her bed to reduce her risk! But as I traverse the house, EVERYTHING changes. The angles change, the risks Change. Having done this 100 times, I know when to shoot Bird vs. Slug and High vs. Low. I could NOT imagine doing this, under stress, for the first time in real danger.

      Best advice I ever got when I took a weeks worth of weapons self-defense courses. Always practice. It will be much harder when you're adrenaline is pumping.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago
        I admire your discipline. I am glad I’ve had an amazing life with trials and tribulations these almost 65 years. If that’s how I die it would be a pretty rare occurrence. I am more apt to move to a more rural area in the future to reduce the risk further. It’s a tough move though having lived here 45 years. I too have considered the adrenaline and surprise of a home invasion.
        Don’t know how I would react in that nightmare.
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