I like to say, in the spirit of Midas, Everything that the Left Touches, Turns to Shit. Dennis Prager has his own version of that.
But I watched a Buddhist group of mine that I loved be destroyed. It was run by a liberal professor, who had a policy, NO politics in this room. It is for Buddhist meditation only. Buddhist topics, not world events. It was a bunch of libs anyway, what could I expect...
Once the leader left, and the libs took over, it devolved very quickly from a very interesting and inspiring and even spiritual group to a social justice tea and cookies liberal discussion group-dipped in weak buddhism.
Simple answer ignore those to stupid to look in their own pants and then know what their gender is. Although the problem might be that the majority of Leftist males are so small down there as to not be able to tell the difference.
But, but, but the twits who run Twitter will tell you that the Babylon Bee was oh so hateful for naming the renaming himself Rachel Levine "Man Of The Year," despite the fact that (a is a) he is objectively a he born with a he thing in his pants. But its so boo hoo mean to accurately state what sex people with a mental malfunction actually are. Whatever came of giving people what used to be called a reality check? Oo! I'm sorry! That's hateful;! So hateful! Someone out of tune with reality just got his poor widdle feelings hurt! Feelings, so may feelings. Feelings is what's important to libtards. Not common sense.
I am a high school teacher and had an obviously female student try to tell me she was "endogenous." She got bent out of shape when I informed her that there are only 2 genders if she would look next time she went to the bathroom she would be able to tell what she is.
You say that endogenous claimant "got bent out of shape?" Uh-oh! Don't let her get near a baseball bat. It's the bendogenous kinda those that we dinos are really afraid of.
Why not? There's a scene in which a teacher fends her off with a yardstick before vanquishing her by like Spock ordering her to compute the value of pi.
Yes I've often thought that whatever the proper balance of emotionality and rationality should be, it is most pathologically skewed towards feelings in the minds of Leftists. "Your lived experience is your truth." And then you discover you have been walking a plank backwards as you fall into a great white shark's mouth. Reality check needed, indeed, emotional update, required.
Some people live to get their panties in a wad. Such was what coworkers said of a couple of supervisors at that prison I used to work at. One was a shift commander lieutenant, The other was a captain who was far worse. He would calmly give a critique over a hand radio but end his out of the blue speeches screaming like Adolf Hitler. Me dino would be thinking someone may meanwhile need to give a "Code Red" because an officer was in trouble at a certain location.
Yeah of course. But I was trying to be accommodating. No actually I was just poking fun. A Democrat is allegedly open-minded, so a father shouldn't mind his daughter locked in a stall next to a swinging dude in a dress whose only reason to be in that bathroom is to jerk off next to real women.
That reminds me of my grandma, who used to say You're so low you could get under a snake's belly and there'd still be room for you to put up an umbrella.
It feels like just yesterday that I had posted a solution to a similar issue on another post. I agree on the third restroom if it's necessary, but perhaps labeling the first two slightly different than you have shown. Take "Gender" completely out of the issue since our legislators seem to have changed the definition anyway. Instead of "Men" or "Women", "Boys" or "Girls", etc., change it to "With" or "Without". You either got one or your don't, no argument. However, if too many "Withs" decide to surgically change to "Withouts", we'd have to add that third facility you suggested and set it up as an "Other", or as you suggest, "Demiocrats". Either should work.
Maybe a simple label change is the answer. One door with the female chromosome and one with the male chromosome. Surgery cannot yet change the most basic of facts.
This is good, though most people's transgenderism is because of DNA defects. As for the transformed-transgendered, that is by choice instead of by biology, they could be re-educated, unless they've already been chemically destroyed and mutilated by surgeons.
Yes I downloaded the app just to see how it works. It looks like a dartboard that no one has taken the darts off for a year. Pins marking where turds are laying in the street. People can geolocate a turd and upload it's location. What a good public service.
I know you meant the gender reassignment issue is stupid and not worth a response, not the topic.
The Law, that's the real issue, it has become the law. And they will keep picking it apart until we have laws that will completely delete our opinions. Take gun legislation, it's the same thing. Washington State is trying pass a bill maximizing pistol magazines at 10 rounds. First they had "possession" included in the bill. In order to pass something, they took "possession" out and the senate and house both passed the rest of it. We know they will work on the possession part later, but apparently got some dweebs to go along with passing this illegal bill for now.
Ignoring any of it it will not make it go away. PS - I recently bought a new Sig with a couple of 15 round mags before they took the possession out of the bill. July 1st I would have automatically become a criminal. It's the law. We still won't be able to buy, sell, transfer, or trade magazines over 10 rounds.
What's to prevent one of the "Others" from claiming "Special Olympics" status and actually competing against these people?
They want to take away any method citizens might have to protect themselves from encroaches in our freedom. I agree that fighting at every turn is needed.
It's sad, I remember when I was little how exciting it was during the Olympics. I was playing the snow with my Brother. We finally came inside to eat dinner in front of the TV, with hot chocolate. Winter Olympics with luge, bobsled, skiing. Snow outside, snow on TV. Cheering for USA, but not hating other countries. Too bad what the fucking liberal protesters did to the Olympics.
Yes. I used to watch them. It’s gotten so political now. I am pretty much done with communist countries and want nothing to do with them. We need to pay attention to making the usa independent of them as soon as we can
I did too. But it's just as well; the Olympics have become an even greater drain on taxpayers than the NFL and the other major sports leagues, and I no longer watch them either because of the BLM nonsense. Which is far from over.
seeing as though BLM means black lives matter more than anyone else's, personally it made me not care about black lives at all really. Too bad, but race relations have taken a big nosedive starting with obama and now biden.
Won’t my white privilege protect me? I guess I’m fortunate to live in a smaller city like Las Vegas. Mostly Hispanics here. I am somewhat of a minority here
Tell them, I enjoy my white privilege, it's awesome, I'm not giving it up either! And you can't have any unless you get an attitude adjustment. Drop the back of bricks of oppression, and go after what you want. It's the only honest way.
There's a nice meme on here, I think Dobrien put it up in his weekly, "Lives Matter." With a typical rainbow panorama of faces, races, genders, just like any Democrat crapaganda. It's actually beyond funny, it's good. Ought to give a liberal a pause.
I didn't watch any of it either, nor the Superbowl, or anything related to the lefts psychotic rantings. I actually think some boycotting might bring them back, maybe not.
I am so done with the left and in particular the entitled blacks and crt. I don’t even look or acknowledge anything related to race. The left has really hurt the black people, who were actually being accepted before Obama and Biden
You’re absolutely correct. Obama and the other race hustlers have set race relations back at least 50 years. When you look at it like they do, as a business model, it’s pretty apparent why.
But I watched a Buddhist group of mine that I loved be destroyed. It was run by a liberal professor, who had a policy, NO politics in this room. It is for Buddhist meditation only. Buddhist topics, not world events. It was a bunch of libs anyway, what could I expect...
Once the leader left, and the libs took over, it devolved very quickly from a very interesting and inspiring and even spiritual group to a social justice tea and cookies liberal discussion group-dipped in weak buddhism.
Liberals ruin everything that they touch.
Men's Sports
Women's Sports
.... Sports for those that are confused
But its so boo hoo mean to accurately state what sex people with a mental malfunction actually are.
Whatever came of giving people what used to be called a reality check? Oo! I'm sorry! That's hateful;! So hateful! Someone out of tune with reality just got his poor widdle feelings hurt!
Feelings, so may feelings. Feelings is what's important to libtards. Not common sense.
Uh-oh! Don't let her get near a baseball bat.
It's the bendogenous kinda those that we dinos are really afraid of.
Coming soon to a theater near you! Roar!
You bet Jurassic Park it is!
And it’s a BIG one too.
Such was what coworkers said of a couple of supervisors at that prison I used to work at. One was a shift commander lieutenant,
The other was a captain who was far worse. He would calmly give a critique over a hand radio but end his out of the blue speeches screaming like Adolf Hitler.
Me dino would be thinking someone may meanwhile need to give a "Code Red" because an officer was in trouble at a certain location.
There’s an app for that.
They’re so much more evolved than the rest of the country. /sarc
The Law, that's the real issue, it has become the law. And they will keep picking it apart until we have laws that will completely delete our opinions. Take gun legislation, it's the same thing. Washington State is trying pass a bill maximizing pistol magazines at 10 rounds. First they had "possession" included in the bill. In order to pass something, they took "possession" out and the senate and house both passed the rest of it. We know they will work on the possession part later, but apparently got some dweebs to go along with passing this illegal bill for now.
Ignoring any of it it will not make it go away. PS - I recently bought a new Sig with a couple of 15 round mags before they took the possession out of the bill. July 1st I would have automatically become a criminal. It's the law. We still won't be able to buy, sell, transfer, or trade magazines over 10 rounds.
What's to prevent one of the "Others" from claiming "Special Olympics" status and actually competing against these people?
When you look at it like they do, as a business model, it’s pretty apparent why.